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Inshodat Al Muttar” from potteries which had a great share of readings، this mutability of reading because of meaning that included in pottery ، its positions changed continuously and sometimes replace its meaningful positions and when we try to add those reads according to the classification of todoorf of literature comparing، so there are four kinds of compartments which are: First: Isqatiya reading: A-Mohammed Mobarak reading in his book “ studies on theory and applying” reader reflected the structure of knowledge of that society then. B- Siham Hassan in her research named “ problem of delivering in the modern Arabic pottery since 1925 up to date” reader tried to reflect her emotions and her passion on her text. Second: Sarcasm reading: A- Alyas Khory in his book “studies in pottery criticism” B- Dr. Sameer Khaleel in his book “ releations of presence and absence of the pottery of literature in compartments of criticism natters” Third: dialog readings Reading of Abd Al Hadi Al Fartoosy in his research “ legend Delusion in Al Muttor pottery” Fourth: composite reading A-READING OF RITA AUADH IN HER BOOK “ DEATH AND RECREATION IN ARABIC POTTERY” B-Reading of abd al ridha in his book “ legend of AL Sayab ptteryt” The goal of what the reader trying to arrive is the intent of the writer، which is the variable pottery at the writer in different time periods، may be these intents one cultural system located، may be these intents moves away from each other، may be first pottery intent get lost in the middle of intents ashes and the attempt of reaching get failed absolutely.