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The Syrian president Bashar Al Asad stipulated conditions to start negotiations on the Israeli- Syrian tracks. We observed that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert presented a clear response to the first condition in a clear statement regarding the desire to achieve peace. It is considered a distinguished step and differs from previous approaches. At the same time, Olemert deciared that Syria doesn't represent a nuclear threat to Israel which undermined the last accusations of Syria. On the other hand, it considered an apology from Israel regarding the violation on the Syrian occupied lands in September 2007. The successive indications regarding the Jolan Return give an expression that Israel presented the required commitments- guarantees to the third party, at least who Al Asad emphasized on his trustworthy in a speech. Consequently, any upcoming negotiation will not be baseless, it will take into consideration all the previous achievements; with no return to the zero point, with no deny to the agreements which had been achieved in the past and its following efforts. All indications show that Syria return to the first squire; it went back to the regional position that leads to initiate the peace process. So Israel has to select one of two options after its defeat in 2006; using a stupidity and madness military act, or involving into a wise peace process with Syrians who will not accept to be a trick to cut their strategic connections or put pressure on the Palestinian track. On the other hand, the Syrian track becomes a regional and international option in spite of all oral pressures in Washington.