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السياسات العربية و الفلسطينية تجاه الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Arab & Palestinian Policies Towards Arab-Israeli Conflict Report
المصدر: مجلة دراسات شرق أوسطية
الناشر: مركز دراسات الشرق الاوسط
المؤلف الرئيسي: الحمد، جواد (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: جبران، علي (م. مشارك), العمودي، عمر (م. مشارك), الفهد، خالد (م. مشارك)
المجلد/العدد: مج 12, ع 44
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: الأردن
التاريخ الميلادي: 2008
الصفحات: 137 - 140
ISSN: 1811-8208
رقم MD: 202287
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: HumanIndex, EcoLink
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عدد مرات التحميل


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المستخلص: The symposium discussed thoroughly four main pivots. The first one addressed the Palestinian policy toward the conflict: the required policies to develop the Palestinian side in the conflict and to enable it to participate in conflict determination in cooperation with Arab and international sides. The participants discussed these policies in regard with several factors; the resistance of the Palestinian people and its internal unity, the Intifada and the resistance against the occupation, the peace process and the political settlement, the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian Liberation organization, the amendment and the internal development, and finally the political, media, and the external relationship. The second pivot discussed the formal Arab policies toward the conflict. The participants emphasized that the origin of the Palestinian Cause goes back to Zionism and colonialism conspiracy on the western and international levels. It initiated from Bazel conference in 1897, and then it continued as the result of Balfour Declaration. Thus, Palestine was put under British mandatory. The participants indicated that the Arab weakness and dependence are the main factors which enlarged that conspiracy. The third pivot clarified deeply the policies of the Arab parties toward the conflict. The participants indicated that the policies of national parties emerged from the faith that considered Palestine as an Arab country; just for Arabs. They added that the current struggle is in fact a struggle for existence not for borders. Hence, Israel exerts its efforts to obstruct the comprehensive development in the Arab World and to weaken its unity. The participants also considered the agreements which were held between Israel and Palestine or between Israel and other Arab countries as surrender agreements. The fourth pivot addressed the Israeli and Arab policies toward Gaza siege and its prospects. The participants indicated that Gaza siege is related to the resistance; since if Hamas responded to the quaternion conditions, the siege would not be there. Three subjects were discussed in this chapter; the oppression of the Palestinian people (killing, displacement and starving...), the resistance, and finally the impact of the siege on the Palestinian people. In the conclusions, the participations presented several important recommendations.

ISSN: 1811-8208