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|b There is no doubt that the Law of the retirement is of a great significance, because it defines the rights deserved by retired Staff after long service and hard work in the state. \ The increase of the rights of retired is related to the increasing of the rights of employees, so when the salaries of staff in service increased this will require increasing the salaries of retired staff, in order to make them feel that their services will be appreciated. \ The Unified Retirement Law No. (27) Of the year 2006 was issued and took effect from the date of its publication In the Official Gazette on 17/1/2006, and it committed the Minister of Finance to issue regulations to facilitate the implantation of its provisions. However, the minister in question did not issue those regulations as required. \ The Unified Retirement Law No. (27) in 2006 came with fair rules that re-flouted rights to their masters, and was considered as an outstanding asset to the right covered by its provisions, but Law No. (69) In 2007 robbed the gift of the former law, and was including harsh rules, which no similar rules in the laws worldwide ever found. In addition to that it came with a prosaic language, worn content, filled with linguistic mistakes, all of which requires a serious re¬consideration, and a deep analysis of its provisions.