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|a حظيت هذه اللغة- منذ نزول القرآن الكريم - بالعناية والاهتمام. وكيف لا؟ وهي لغة ضُمِّنت فيها معالم الهدى والرشاد. \ وجوانب الاهتمام بهذه اللغة الشريفة متنوعة، فشملت جميع مستوياتها، ابتداء من الحروف المفردة مروراً بتكوين المفردات، وانتهاء بالمركبات، فكانت كتب الصرف، ومعاجم اللغة، وكتب النحو البلاغة، وهذه الكتب بمجموعتها تكفلت ببيان كل شاردة وواردة في هذه اللغة الشريفة. \ وتبعاً لوظيفة اللغة عامة فإن الألفاظ قوالب للمعاني، وقد تنوعت هذه القوالب فكانت لغات شتى، ولكنها جميعاً لها غرض مشترك، هو التعبير عن المعنى، إذا فالمعنى هو لبها وأساسها، ولكن هذا المعنى لن يؤدي وظيفته على الوجه الأكمل إلا إذا ضبطت قوالبه بضوابط سليمة تكون محل اتفاق بين المتكلمين باللغة، وهذا ما سعى إليه علماء العربية، فكانت قواعد النحو المستنبطة من كلام العرب، إذا فالنحو ليس قواعد لفظية مجردة عن المعاني، بل حركات الإعراب التي تضبطها قواعد النحو ليست إلا أدلة على المعاني، يقول عبد القاهر الجرجاني: (إن الألفاظ مغلقة على معانيها حتى يكون الإعراب هو الذي يفتحها، وإن الأغراض كامنة فيها حتى يكون هو المستخرج لها). \ وسلامة الأسلوب، وعلاقة اللفظ بسابقه ولاحقه، وتغير الدلالة تبعاً لذلك، وإن توسع فيه البلاغيون فأساسه ولبُّه علم النحو والإعراب، وما (أسرار البلاغة، ودلائل الإعجاز) لعبد القاهر الجرجاني عنا ببعيد... \ وهذا البحث جارٍ في إيضاح جانب من العلاقة بين اللفظ والمعنى، فقد وردت في اللغة أساليب في لتعبير عن معنى معين متقاربة، يحسبها الغافل عنها أندا أدت المعنى ذاته، وأن بعض الاختلاف في التركيب قد لا يغير في المعنى شيئاً.
|b Praise be to Allah who sent down his book Arab spokesman indicated, and vowed to save it for this book Quran, he said in an airtight Downloads: ((I mentioned we went to him and I guard)) (Stone 9), and save it saved us the Arabic language, and methods, they remain as long as the book of our Lord, is the language of eternity, was born to stay to be authorized by God to his order. \ Has been devoted to this language - since the descent of the Holy Quran - the care and attention. And how can it not? The language of the guaranteed features of the guidance and the guidance. \ And aspects of interest in this language the noble variety, expanded to all levels, beginning with the letters individual passing through the composition of vocabulary, and the end of the vehicle, was written exchange, and language dictionaries and grammar books, and eloquence, these books collectively undertook a statement every arcane detail in the language honest. \ Depending on the function of language general, the words carry meanings, have varied these templates were the languages different, but they all have a common purpose, is the expression of meaning, if meaning is to them and based on, but this effect will not function fully unless seized cake controls properly be to be agreed between the speakers in, and this is what was sought by the scholars of Arabic, was a grammar derived from the words of the Arabs, if Valenho not the rules of verbal abstract meanings, but movements to express seized by the grammar is not only evidence of the meanings, says Abdul omnipotent Jorjani: ((The words to their meanings closed in order to be expressed is the one who opens it, and that the underlying purpose is to be extracted it)) (). \ And safety of the method, and the relationship of word and subsequent predecessor, and the changing significance Accordingly, although the expansion of its core Albulagjun Vosash and the science of grammar and expression, and what (the secrets of eloquence, and signs of miracles) to Abdul omnipotent Jorjani us so long ago ... \ This search is underway to clarify the relationship between word and meaning, the language contained in the methods to express a certain meaning in similar versions, calculated by the negligent they have the same meaning, and that some of the differences in composition may not change the meaning of nothing. \ It is the word (hear) in expressions varied, as was once a transgressor himself meaning: ((on listen to cry right that day off)) (S 42), and again transgressor b) to (meaning: ((do not listen to the Pleroma and pelted from every side)) (Saffat 8), and a third transgressor Ballam, Kalhadit Sharif, who directed the imams, from Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet peace be upon him, he said: If the Imam said: God is heard praise, say: O Lord you Praise (). as well as the Lord of the Arabs as saying: (distracted), and (come to), and (came) from the irrelevant. \ So why is this diversity in the installation? And why this diversity in the links? Is this how was anonymous, without meaning, or whether the effect of meaning in the diversity of style?