المستخلص: |
للجهاز البيروقراطي دورا هاما نجاح الدولة أو فشلها في حل مشكلات المواطنين، وتوفير الحد الأدنـى مـن الخـدمات الأساسية. مع ما يثير هذا المفهوم من غموض حتى فـي أوسـاط المختصـين رغـم محـاولات التعريفـات المطروحـة منـذ أواخـر القرن 19 تقريبا. و تلعب البيروقراطية فـي الدول وظائف سياسـية واجتماعية مهمة، كما لها علاقة جلية بالتنمية السياسـية وعلى مستويين؛ على مستوى قيمي ثقافي، وعلى مستوى مؤسسي. وفي مقابل هـذا، للبيروقراطية أعراضا مرضية تشكل جوهر مشكلات التنمية، سواء في مجال بنـاء وتنميـة الهياكـل والأنظمـة المؤسسـية، أو فـي مجـال الممارسـات البيروقراطيـة الإداريـة. وأمام هذه الأعراض تنمو حتمية الإنماء السياسي والإصلاح الشامل للحد من سيطرة البيروقراطية من خلال تفعيل المشاركة الشعبية، ومن خلال أيضا الإصلاح الإداري لتمكين التنمية.
The main context of the Arab development strategy, today, appears in the necessity to realize the required equilibrium between bureaucratic institutions and political ones. The growth of bureaucratic apparatus in spite of the existing political institution remains an obstacle against political development achievements. From these construct appears the increasing necessity to widen the bureaucratic role in the political system. In other words, the need to realize functional equilibrium between bureaucracy and political institutions in order to meet the equilibrium between political system input and out puts. This may be achieved through the following: The first step is to create administrative changes and internal reforms as well as to ripen social conscious in what relates citizens’ right in governmental problems. To provide efficient channels to enable citizens’ protest action and exposing their position against unfair procedures and manners. As well as to establish disciplinary procedures to preserve ethic make efficient the role of civil society in Algeria as the main factor to realize a global political sustainable development, civil society was absent marginalized and this is due to historical causes among colonialism and other causes that has limited the civil society’s role, we may mention authority monopoly as another fundamental cause the amplification of the bureaucratic apparatus and its domination over the citizen’ concerns and the appearance of military bureaucracy since independence as an oriented power in decision making and handicap in front of civil society independency. - setting up an alternative strategy to administrative development, the fact that permits to introduce principal and administrative theories making them in application that follows an administrative way to serve the actual situation. This requires administrative general and deep reforms, to be strengthened by public administration principle and taking into account the administrative environment living the present political, economic and social changes able to coin new civilization values which urges investing administrative theories to yield administrative ethic adequate to a social circumstances. This reform progress can be in realized as complementary action that goes in interaction with the global context that implies the realization of political global sustainable and adequate development.