المستخلص: |
يتناول البحث ميراث المرأة في الإسلام مقارناً بما كان في المجتمعات التي سبقته والمجتمعات الحديثة, يستعرض الميراث في المجتمع اليهودي والروماني والمصري القديم والأمم السابقة. \\ استخدمت الباحثة منهجي الاستقراء والمقارنة. \\ قسمت الباحثة دراستها الى مقدمة وثلاثة أبواب كل منها يقسم الى عدة فصول. \\ أهم ما توصلت اليه الباحثة أن ميراث المرأة في الإسلام يؤدي الى تحقيق العدل والمساواة للمرأة ويؤكد مكانتها في المجتمع كما يجعلها عنصراً نشطاً وفعالاً ومنتجاً أن المولى سبحانه وتعالى تولى بنفسه تقدير ميراث المرأة وغيرها بعلمه وحكمته وعدله ورحمته ولم يكله للعباد الذين تتنازعهم الأهواء, فجاء ميراثها في الإسلام مؤكدا مبدأ حقها في الميراث الذي أنكرته كثيرا من التشريعات الأخرى, كما فصله تفصيلاً يستوعب كل حالة وظرف بحيث لم يدع فرصة للعبث به أو التخمين بشأنه.
This research entitled legacy of women in Islam and the suspicions raised over. \\ The research considered the legacy of women in Islam and before in modern societies such as the Jewish society, the Romans, the ancient Egyptian and the earlier nations. The approach taken in this research is the inductive method in addition to the comparative method. \\ The research plan included a preface and three sections divided into a number of demands \\ The first section entitled legacy of women before the Islam. Section 11 is entitled legacy of women in Islam Section 111 is entitled raised suspicion over the inheritance of women in Islam and respond to Finally, the conclusion, which included the most important finding and recommendations, as well as a number of results reached by this research including. \\ [1] the law of inheritance is legislated only to work with aiming to realize the desired goal of justice and equity for woman and enhancing her social status, and make her an effective, active and productive constituent element in the society with a role to play in the construction. \\ [2]The importance of the law of inheritance where Allah himself took over the division of the statutes and make the women's share of the inheritance according to the interest of justice Known by the Almighty. \\ [3]That no principle or law was keen to give woman the right to inherit wealth to the extent, detail and equity as Islam did ;by providing a statement on the heritage and how much she deserve in each case.