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تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التطبيق العملي لمقياس جودة الحياة اليومية العقائدي المعرب والمقنن الصادر من منظمة الصحة العالمية، على مجموعة من طلبة كلية الطب في جامعة العلوم التكنولوجيا، لدراسة تأثر مستوى الرضا النفسي عن صفات الحياة اليومية بعمق الجوانب الروحية والعقائدية لأول مرة في الأردن. في شهر نيسان 2008 شارك 100 طالب وطالبة بصورة طوعية في الإجابة على استمارة الاستبيان أخضعت النماذج للتحليل الإحصائي. أظهرت النتائج وجود معدلات وسطية وعالية القوة لأهمية التوجه العقائدي والإيمان الديني للطلبة في تحسين مستوى الرضا النفسي عن صفات حياتهم اليومية.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the role of the spiritual, religious and personal beliefs (SRPB) in enhancing the individuals’ satisfaction with their quality of life through implementing the Arabic modified version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-Spiritual, Religious and Personal Beliefs (WHOQOL-SRPB) questionnaire for the first time in Jordan. Method: A convenient homogenous sample of medical students attending the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) completed 100 forms of the Arabic modified version of the self-report WHOQOL-SRPB questionnaire, which measures the subjective satisfaction of quality of life through spiritual and religious beliefs. The correlation between the students’ beliefs and selected socio-demographic variables was investigated. The perceived importance of spiritual and religious beliefs was estimated. Results: There were moderate to high levels of satisfaction with the respondents’ life quality assessed through the strength of their beliefs. The results showed no marked correlation of socio-demographic factors with the measured facets of the WHQOL-SRPB instrument. The study sample represents healthy educated university students who cherished the same Islamic beliefs. Conclusion: This study reflects the positive effect of religious and spiritual beliefs on the student’s subjective satisfaction of life quality which is consistent with previous literature .The authors call for future studies in other Arab societies