المستخلص: |
يبين هذا البحث مدى اختلاف النساء والرجال في استخدام هذه الأشكال اللغوية منها التشديد والجواب الغير مباشر والأسئلة الذيلية وذلك بالإشارة الى نظرية الدراسة الأجنبية Lakoffلكن نظرا الى نتائج تحليل الرواية الانكليزية Oliver Twist اولفر توست حيث اثبتت النتائج ان هذه الاختلافات ليس لها قيمة وان نظرية Lakoff غير دقيقة ومصدقة.
This research was intended to determine whether men and women were different with respect the use intensifies hedges and tag questions to conduct the study, R.lakoffs (1975):4 ideas concerning linguistic differences between males and females were taken into account .In order to gather the most natural -like data, were randomly selected from the famous English novel "Oliver Twist "The data were then analyzed utterance by utteransce. The resuit of analysis showed no significant difference between the qroups on the use of intensifiers, hedged and tag questions. The findings of study did not confirm lakff’s opinion regarding gender-bound language at least in the three areas and the corpus inspected in this research.