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|b Hebrew language Including three main types of linguistic pronunciation , which are the sephar dic pronunciation which includes the traditions of east communities (except the Yemenian Jews), as well as the Jews of Italy and the traditions of the communities that settled in it the exiles from Spain such as Portuguese communities in the Netherlands and the Balkans. While the Yemenian pronunciation is the legacy of the pronunciational tradition of Babylonian Jews during the period of Gaionim, which then moved to Yemen. \ Ashkenazic pronunciation is the latest , and it played a concrete role , starting from the thirteenth century AD and until the present time, in the large and clear changes that occurred in pronouncing of many words in Hebrew languages particularly of the verbs with its benyaneem , causing confusion and blurred when you hear such this verbs, which reputed a fundamental pillar in the structure of the Hebrew sentence, as well as the differences and the ramifications that resulted from it and the ways in which uttered it by Jews , and also the Influences of foreign languages that the Jews speak in them both before coming to Palestine, or after . And there was no doubt that the lack of knowledge with Hebrew verbs and its benyaneem will be an obstacle before the students and researchers in this