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رقابة القضاء على القرار العسكرى فى الجزاء : دراسة أصولية فقهية نظامية قضائية

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Judicial Monitoring of Martial Penal Decisions
المصدر: العدل
الناشر: وزارة العدل
المؤلف الرئيسي: الحارثي، عبدالرحيم بن مرداد عواض (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Al-Harthy, Abdul Rahim bin Mardad Awad
المجلد/العدد: مج16, ع65
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: السعودية
التاريخ الميلادي: 2014
التاريخ الهجري: 1435
الشهر: يوليو
الصفحات: 165 - 194
ISSN: 1319-8386
رقم MD: 670916
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
قواعد المعلومات: IslamicInfo
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المستخلص: يعتني هذا البحث بالفقه الإداري العسكري، وأن الرقابة القضائية الإدارية قوة تضم للمؤسسة العسكرية بمنسوبيها وذلك بارتباطها بالرجل الأول في الدولة من خلال نائبه القاضي الإداري، وأن القضاء الإداري نطق في بعض أحكامه مؤيدا للجهة الإدارية العسكرية في قرارها وإلا أعاد القرار إلى التوازن وفق إرادة المنظم، وتوضيح أنه لا يوجد في نصوص المنظم السعودي قضاء عسكري، كما لا يمكن الاصطلاح بالتأديب العسكري ويراد به الجزاء العسكري بنوعيه. وأن القاضي الإداري يحافظ في منطوق أحكامه على قوة النظام بإصدار الجهة العسكرية للقرار العسكري تنفيذا لموجب إنهاء الخدمة الثابت قضاء، وبيان الفرق بينه وبين قرار هيئة المحاكمة العسكرية، ومتى يكتسب القرار التأديبي صفة النهائية بدرجتيه. وتوضيح أن القاضي الإداري قد يسمع الدعوى على قرار تأديبي غير نهائي ومنطوق حكمه موضوعا. ومناقشة تباين الأحكام القضائية في اعتبار ضمانة تبليغ المتهم بالحضور بجلسته التأديبية. وبيان أن العسكري قد لا يكون قاصدا للدعوى على القرار التأديبي وإنما على آثاره في مسائل ثلاث جوهرية، وصولا لعشرين نتيجة أصولية فقهية نظامية قضائية عدلية من مادة هذا البحث.

The author elaborates on the following topics: Definition of the parts of the title: monitor¬ing, judicial, decision, martial and penal. Jurists differ as to the meaning of the martial decision in two opinions: 1st Opinion: It is the penal decision issued by the tribunal; this is the currently applicable opinion. 2nd Opinion: It is the decision issued by the military authority; this is the opinion chosen by the author. The result of difference on the meaning of the martial decision is that: The martial decision is final since it is issued but is not final with regard to the decision of the court. The martial penal decision is defined as "the military authority or tribunal’s declaration of its intention to punish privates for a legally sound reason. The private for whom a legal judgment is issued should submit to disciplinary actions whatever the result of the judgment is. Types of martial penal decisions: Administrative non-disciplinary decisions known as administrative penalties. Administrative disciplinary decisions issued by the military disciplinary board. Military disciplinary boards in the Ministry of Interior are of two degrees: Preliminary disciplinary board Extraordinary military board Points of agreement and difference between the two penalties include: They agree in hearing the statements of the private before penalizing him and differ in that the administrative punishment is final but the disciplinary one becomes final only after it is ratified. Benefits of judicial monitoring on the mili¬tary institution and its personnel include: The monitoring of the administrative court on the martial penal decision connects the military institution with the authorizes. Elaboration on the most Important differ¬ences between military disciplinary board and martial court which Include the following: The military disciplinary board’s authority is executive rather than judicial and anything is¬sued by it is considered a decision even if it is described by the legislator as a judgment as it is subject to the monitory of the administra¬tive court contrary to the judicial judgment. Aspects of objection before the court to the administrative non-disciplinary penal deci¬sion include: Pillars of the decision, questioning of the accused private and hearing his statements and causation. Aspects of judicial objection to the admin¬istrative disciplinary penal decision include: Examination of the referral decision to dis¬ciplinary actions and investigation/ Difference of judicial judgments which con¬sider appearance at the disciplinary session as a guarantee through which the martial de¬cision can be objected to through appeal. The text of the judicial judgment and some points which the administrative court judge should examine before pronouncing the judgment on the private’s claim against the martial penal decision because they may be the intention behind his claim. These points include the following: Deductions from salary, calculation of detain¬ment period and deduction of promotion points.

ISSN: 1319-8386