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Many of the ancient writers, travelers and explorers wrote on various topics on the Sudan, such as Herodotus (480-435 EC), Strabo (25 BC), Diodorus Siculus (240-220 BC), Pliny (79-24 BC) in the Meroitic period. The historians John Alafssosi and John Alblakrome as well as Michael (Syrian) and Alympiodorjs (423 AD), wrote in the Christian period. Also the historians Ibn Khaldun, and Ibn Salim Al-Aswani and Masoudi wrote in Medieval Period and the early Islamic. In subsequent periods, the French Ponce, Lepsius. Caillaud and German Krmb, Borkhardt and others wrote on Sudan. In ancient sources of the writers and travelers we can find many of the observations on the Sudan, including environmental observations as plants and animals, landscape, rivers and climate. The extent these sources in its history starting from BC to the period of modem Islam. Since the environment is constantly changing it can be verified, followed-up and re-drawn through these sources. This paper aims to gather environmental information from these sources, analysis and compare it with scientific recent studies