المستخلص: |
تحاول هذه الدراسة النقدية، إلقاء الضوء على فكرة النسق وسلطة الثقافة وتداعياتها الفكرية وموقف النقاد العرب المعاصرين منها، كما تسعى أيضا تبيان أثر ذلك على النص القرآني مع نقد بعض المفاهيم الحديثة. لقد اشتغل النقاد بالتحليل (البنيوي) دون الالتفات إلى أصوله النظرية، والإجرائية الوثيقة الصلة بالتنظير في ظل تباين المرجعيات العقائدية والحضارية، ولا شك أن تعدد القراءات والدلالات يعد من ثراء النص حيث يعمق وعي القارئ بخبايا٥ الكامنة كما يحقق لذة (الاستكشاف). انطلاقا من هذا التصور، ستحاول الورقة الإجابة عن التساؤلات التالية: - هل المنهج البنيوي ممثلا في فكرة النسق، منهج علمي مجرد أم فكرة فلسفية تعكس هيمنة الثقافة المتحررة ورؤيتها للعالم والإنسان والكون؟ - وهل التحليل النقدي لفكرة الانساق والنقد البنيوي تبين أن المقولات نابعة من جذور فلسفية لا تترافق مع عقيدة الإسلام والتصور الإني الأصيل. كل ذلك يعمق فكره الشعور في الاطراد بين النسق الدلالي، والنسق المعرفي للثقافة التحررية المهيمنة
This study is trying to cash, to shed light on the idea of the format and its repercussions intellectual position critics contemporary Arab ones, also seeks to show the impact on the Quranic text with criticism of some modem concepts. Critics have worked analysis (Structural) without paying attention to the origins theory, and the action is closely related to laparoscopic under the terms of reference of ideological and cultural variation, no doubt that the multiplicity of readings and connotations of the richness of the text and deepen the awareness of the reader underlying Boukbayah also achieves the thrill (exploration), but responsibility also can not isolate the cultural and social context in which the text revolves in its orbit. Thus the paper on trying the following question: - Is the approach represented by the idea of the structural pattern or just a scientific approach reflects the philosophical idea of the dominance of liberal culture and vision of the world and man and the universe? After critical analysis of the idea of consistency and cash structural show that the arguments stem from philosophical roots are not associated with the doctrine of Islam destruction and the Muslim perception of the universe and man, and the idea of the format and the idea of imperial domination is only the implications for theories of modernity ideological Bdaoua of death (the author) and the idea of the larger pattern and surface structure and metadata and intertextuality and the power of culture is still criticism of modern theories of a wide range of research and investigation in order to preserve our heritage and the Arab ourselves the great ancient civilization and religion. This study is trying to cash, to shed light on the idea of the format and its repercussions intellectual position critics contemporary Arab ones, also seeks to show the impact on the Quranic text with criticism of some modern concepts. Critics have worked analysis (Structural) without paying attention to the origins theory, and the action is closely related to laparoscopic under the terms of reference of ideological and cultural variation, no doubt that the multiplicity of readings and connotations of the richness of the text and deepen the awareness of the reader underlying Boukbayah also achieves the thrill (exploration), but responsibility also can not isolate the cultural and social context in which the text revolves in its orbit. Thus the paper on trying the following question: -Is the approach represented by the idea of the structural pattern or just a scientific approach reflects the philosophical idea of the dominance of liberal culture and vision of the world and man and the universe? After critical analysis of the idea of consistency and cash structural show that the arguments stem from philosophical roots are not associated with the doctrine of Islam destruction and the Muslim perception of the universe and man, and the idea of the format and the idea of imperial domination is only the implications for theories of modernity ideological Bdaoua of death (the author) and the idea of the larger pattern and surface structure and metadata and intertextuality and the power of culture is still criticism of modern theories of a wide range of research and investigation in order to preserve our heritage and the Arab ourselves the great ancient civilization and religion