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تعتبر الحوادث سبب رئيسي للإصابة بالمرض أو الموت، وقد اشتملت الدراسة على 104 حالة من الأطفال الذين دخلوا وحدات الطوارئ والاستقبال بمستشفى الوحدة بدرنه خلال العامين 2005 -2006. وقد أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن حالات الوفيات مثلت 13.5% من إجمالي الحالات، وبالنسبة لمكان الإصابة: فمثلت إصابات الرأس 41.3%، ثم إصابات الأطراف فقط 31.7%، أما الإصابات المتعددة والأطراف فمثلت 16.3%. وبخصوص نوع الإصابة فمثلت الكدمات والشدود 43.3% من إجمالي الحالات والجروح المفتوحة 26.9% والكسور 20.2%، ومن ذلك تتضح أهمية الوقاية من حوادث الطرق ووضع معايير للأمان من الحوادث المختلفة.
Objectives: To describe the frequency, nature and outcome of driveway injuries in children. Methodology: A retrospective study of diveway-related injuries in children less than 16 years of age admitted to Alwahda Hospital, Derna-Libya, from January 2005 to December 2006, and deaths reported. Circumstances of injury; type and number of injuries were identified. Results: A total number of 104 children were admitted to Alwahda Hospital with driveway-related injuries (2005-2006), representing 17.3% of all with motor vehicle injuries. Fourteen deaths representing 13.5% of cases were reported. Males were 85 (81.7%) and females were 19 (18.3%). Head injuries represented 41.3% (43/104) of cases followed by extremities 31.7% (33/104 (then extremities with multiple injuries 16.3% (17/104). Sprain or contusions represented 43.3% (45/104) of cases, open wound 26.9% (28/104) and fractures 20.2% (21/104). Cars were involved in 79 % of all injuries, light commercial vehicles or bicycles were involved in 21%. About 75% of injuries occurred in the afternoon or night, and 45% of injuries took place in the summer months. Conclusions: Driveway injuries in children account for a significant proportion of paediatric pedestrian motor vehicle injuries and deaths in Derna. Prevention represents the only effective approach to reducing deaths from this cause.