المستخلص: |
رفع الإسلام من شأن الطفل فهو الإنسان، الذي كرمه الله حتى جعله خليفة في هذه الأرض، وسخر له كل ما في الكون، ومنحه العقل الذي به يتميز عن سائر المخلوقات، ومنع الاعتداء عليه بأي شكل من الإشكال، ومن حق الطفل في الإسلام أن يلجأ إلى سلطة شرعية تحميه وتنصفه وتدفع عنه ما لحقه من ظلم وضرر، فيكون على الحاكم المسلم أن يوفر له هذه السلطة ويوفر له الضمانات الكفيلة بحيدتها واستقلالها، وقد جاء التحذير من ظلم الطفل في القرآن والسنة، ولقد لعبت العدالة في الإسلام دوراً كبيراً في انتشاره، ويقوم المجتمع الدولي على توفير الضمانات الكافية لحماية الطفل والاعتراف بحقه في الحياة، وعملت المنظمات الدولية على زيادة الوعي بحقوق الطفل من خلال بنائها على الكرامة الإنسانية، وقررت بأن الطفل كي تترعرع شخصيته ترعرعاً كاملاً ومتناسقاً ينبغي أن ينشأ في بيئة عائلية في جو من السعادة والمحبة والتفاهم.
The Child hood affairs have been estimated by Islamic Low as it considered the child to be the human who is honored by God as far as he made him the Successor of this earth and Subjugate Every thing In this Universe for him and donated him The mind that He is Distinguished with among all the creatures at this Universe also God - towhom be abscribedall perfection and majesty for bade the aynession upon him by any way as the child In our Islamic law has the right to resort to any legal authority In order to have protection and to be treated with Justice In order to push away what he has got of harm or Oppression So In this case the tuler has The duty to offer this authority and render all the guaran tees That ensure It’s Positive neuturality and Its Independence the warning signs In the holy Quran and sunna and forbade From Oppressing The child and treated him with Fairness and equality and the justice In Islam played ably role In spreading it and the international society offers all the guarantees that ensure. The child hood Protection and also confess with all his rights In this life moreover The international organizations Increase the awareness of the child hoods right through Focusing on the human honor and esteem and have the decision that the child has to live in homely environment and to be with status of hapiuess and love to by away from worries or family bereavements so that he could thrive well, and also his personality could flourish perfectly.