المستخلص: |
يسعى هذا المقال إلى استقراء وضعية المتلقي في العصر الجاهلي: وذلك بالإشارة إلى المكانة التي يحتلها في العملية التواصلية في الخطاب الشعري ومدى أهمية أحكامه وأعرافه في توجيه النص الشعري، بالإضافة إلى نيله مكانة هامة تقترب إلى حد بعيد من مكانة الشاعر.
This article aims to revealing the receiver's position during the pre-Islamic era .On the one hand, it shows the status that the receiver occupied within the communicative process when receiving a poetic discourse .On the other hand, the article exposes the significance of the receiver's judgements in guiding the poetic script. Moreover, the receiver gamed a very noticeable status in which he nearly became as important as the poet himself.This article aims to revealing the receiver's position during the pre-Islamic era .On the one hand, it shows the status that the receiver occupied within the communicative process when receiving a poetic discourse .On the other hand, the article exposes the significance of the receiver's judgements in guiding the poetic script. Moreover, the receiver gamed a very noticeable status in which he nearly became as important as the poet himself.