المستخلص: |
Presumption of the innocence of the accused and the attitude of the statute of the International Criminal Court of the year 1998 towards it A comparative study with the Jurisprudence of Isla mic Shari'a The Research centers in: *Concept of Presumption of the innocence of the accuse *Reality of Presumption of the innocence of the accused *Legal Basi s of Presumption of the innocence of the accused *Basis in the Islamic Shari'a of Presumption of the innocence of the accused *The attitude of the statute of the International Criminal Court of the year-in 1998 towards it-through- within the framework of achieving balance between the rights of the accused and the rights of the victim. * Legal argument concerning Innocence of the accused , Pillars of origin Innocence and Functions of presumption of Innocence of the statute of the International Criminal Court *Presumption of the innocence of the accused in the basic system of the International Criminal Court leads to the following rights: Right of Silence, the Presumption of Innocence, the Burden of Proof is on the prosecution, The Right of interim release, any doubt should benefit the accused,, The Right to prepare and present his defence and to adduce evidence sufficient to convict him