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غرس القيم الإسلامية في أدب الأطفال

العنوان المترجم: instilling the Islamic values in children politeness
المصدر: مجلة كلية الدراسات الإسلامية والعربية للبنين بالقاهرة
الناشر: جامعة الأزهر - كلية الدراسات الإسلامية والعربية للبنين بالقاهرة
المؤلف الرئيسي: صفا، قرني عبدالحليم عبدالله (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع32, ج3
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2015
التاريخ الهجري: 1437
الصفحات: 2797 - 2849
DOI: 10.21608/bfsa.2015.9105
ISSN: 2537-0766
رقم MD: 812096
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: IslamicInfo, AraBase
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المستخلص: يدور هذا البحث حول غرس القيم الإسلامية والإنسانية في آدب الأطفال.
ومما لا جدال فيه أن هذه القيم تنطلق من الفطرة السليمة التي فطر الله الناس عليها، باعتبارها معاني مشتركة في تكوين الشخصية السوية وإقامة البناء الاجتماعي، وممارسات توجه السلوك الإنساني وتضفي نوعاً من التوازن والانسجام في علاقة الإنسان بذاته وبمن يحيط به.
ومما لا شك فيه أن ما تعيشه الحضارة الإنسانية المعاصرة من تحولات جوهرية يجعل موضوع غرس القيم في أدب الأطفال من أبرز التحديات التي تواجه الأفراد والأسرة والمؤسسات المدنية والمجتمعات والشعوب خاصة الإسلامية وهي تعيش حالة حادة من حالات الانسلاخ عن الذات سواء باجترار التقليد دون تمحيص، أو التقليد دون وعي أو تبصر، الامر الذي يغدو ومعه استنباط القيم الإسلامية والإنسانية وغرسها في أدب الأطفال من عمق مكابدات الإنسان مع الحياة، من منطلق أنها قضية ضرورية وملحة كما أن محاولة إشاعتها وغرسها في الأدب لاسيما أدب الأطفال باعتبارها قيماً إنسانية مشتركة بين البشرية جمعاء يمثل طوق النجاة للبشرية، من منطلق أن أطفال اليوم هم رجال الغد الذين تعتمد عليهم الأمة لتحقيق نهضتها وتقدمها، وهم صناع المجد والحضارة على أرضها وترابها الذكي.
ومن ثم يجب إعدادهم سوياً؛ لتحقيق الأهداف المنوطة بهم، ومن هنا تبدو أهمية إمدادهم بالفن الإسلامي الذي يكفل لهم تنشئة سوية مرتكزة إلى القيم الإسلامية والإنسانية البناءة التي تساعدهم على التعامل مع معطيات الحياة الإنسانية تعاملاً إيجابياً.
ولذلك فإن الأدب الإسلامي المقدم لهم والذي تغرس فيه القيم الإسلامية والإنسانية يأتي في مقدمة الفنون التي تلبي احتياجاتهم النفسية، وتسهم في إشباع اهتماماتهم العقلية، وتصقل مشاعرهم وتصبغها بصبغة إسلامية، وتنمي في نفوسهم التذوق الجمالي للفنون.. وتمكنهم من التعامل مع الحياة معاملة سوية في ظل عقيدة سليمة ووازع ديني راسخ، وخلق قويم وتذوق فني رفيع.
وتقتضي طبيعة البحث أن نطرح بعض الأسئلة حول موضوع غرس القيم الإسلامية والإنسانية في أدب الأطفال، ومن هذه الأسئلة ما يأتي:
ما المراد بأدب الأطفال الإسلامي؟
ما مفهوم القيم؟ وما أنواعها؟ وفيم تتمثل أهميتها؟ وكيف يمكن اكتسابها؟ وما مصادرها؟ وما سماتها؟
ما دور الأدب في استجلاء القيم وغرسها في نفوس الأطفال

This research revolves around instilling Islamic and human values in children's literature.
It is indisputable that these values are based on the sound nature upon which Allah has created people, as common meanings in the formation of a normal personality and the establishment of social structure and practices that guide human behavior and create a kind of balance and harmony in the relationship of man with himself and those around him.
Undoubtedly, the fundamental transformations that contemporary human civilization is experiencing make the issue of instilling values in children's literature one of the most prominent challenges faced by individuals, families, civil institutions, societies, and peoples, especially Islamic. They are living in an acute state of self-disconnection, whether by ruminating the imitation without testing or imitating without awareness or vision, which becomes, together with it, the extraction of Islamic and human values and instilling them in children's literature from the depth of human endurance with life, as a necessary and pressing matter. The attempt to propagate these values and introducing them in literature, especially children's literature, as human values common to all mankind, is the lifeline of humankind. The children of today are the men of tomorrow on whom the nation depends to achieve its renaissance and progress, and they are the makers of glory and civilization on the land and its smart soil.
Therefore, they must be raised accordingly to achieve their goals. Hence, it is important to provide them with Islamic art that ensures that they develop together based on constructive Islamic and human values that help them to deal positively with the facts of human life.
Therefore, Islamic literature presented to them, that instills in them Islamic and human values is at the forefront of the arts that meet their psychological needs, contribute to satisfying their mental interests, refine their feelings and dye them with an Islamic color, develop in their souls the aesthetic taste of the arts and enables them to deal with life together under a sound and solid religious belief and creating a pleasant and excellent artistic taste.
The nature of the research requires that we raise some questions about the issue of instilling Islamic and human values in children's literature. These questions include the following:
What is meant by Islamic children's literature?
What is the concept of values? Their types? Why are they important, and how can they be acquired? What are their sources and characteristics? What is the role of literature in clarifying values and instilling them in children's minds?
Undoubtedly, we are motivated by the desire to clarify those values that are instilled in children's literature. We begin with the help of Allah, may He be exalted, in answering the questions we have raised. The answer to what is meant by the Islamic literature of children is that is a beautiful, influential expression, sincere in its revelations and connotations, that is inspired by the values, principles, and creed of Islam, which is the basis for building the child's mental, emotional, behavioral and physical entity. It contributes to the development of his knowledge and releasing his innate talents and various abilities in accordance with the Islamic educational principles and the values instilled in him while taking into account that the literature must have the clarity of vision, the power of persuasion, and logic.
As for the concept of values is concerned, we believe that values are positive and refined Islamic human qualities, which are governed by the rules of Islamic sharia. They lead the learner to positive behaviors in different situations in which the child interacts with his religion, society, and his family, in light of a criterion that is acceptable to the community for the upbringing of its children, i.e., the religion, the custom and the goals of the society.
These values become pedagogical as they lead to the proper development of the child's behavior and, by instilling these values in himself, he acquires a greater ability to distinguish between right and wrong, between good and evil, and between beautiful and ugly, etc.
Values play an essential role in the life of the individual and society. It is evident in the selection of some right individuals for professions such as politics and religions.
They guide and control human behavior, besides playing an important role in achieving psychological and social harmony, and in psychotherapeutic processes and help in giving society its uniqueness.
The importance of instilling values in children's literature at the individual level is as follows:
a) It provides individuals with certain choices that determine their behavior and plays an important role in shaping the individual personality of children and defining their goals within a proper normative framework.
b) It enables the individual to perform precisely what is required of him to be able to adapt to and cope with the society positively.
c) - It gives the individual a sense of security, who uses it to confront his self-weakness and the challenges he faces in his life.
d) It allows the individual to express and assert himself.
e) (e) Pushes the individual to improve his perception and beliefs so that his vision becomes clear in his mind. It thus helps him understand the world around him and expands his frame of reference in understanding his life and relationships.
f) It works to reform the individual psychologically and morally and directs him towards benevolence, good, and duty.
g) (g) It helps the individual to control his desires so that they do not overcome his mind and conscience.
The importance of instilling values in children's literature at the social level is as follows:
a) Maintain the cohesion of society and define the goals of its life, ideals, and established principles.
b) It helps society to cope with the changes that occur in it by specifying the right choices, to make the lives of people easier for them. It preserves the stability and entity of society within a unified framework.
c) Connecting the parts of the culture of society so that it appears harmonious, and it works to give social systems a rational basis that becomes a belief in the minds of the members of the society belonging to this culture.
d) To protect society from excessive selfishness, senseless tendencies, and lust. The values and principles of any group are the goals that all its members seek to achieve.
e) It provides society with the form in which it deals with the world and define for it the goals and justifications of its existence, and determine the behavior of individuals.
Instilling values in children's literature are important at the national level. Each society has two systems by which it protects its national fence: a military system that protects it from armed invasion from outside and a value system that protects it from intellectual invasion. Sociologists have described national security as "the ability of a state to protect its internal values from the threat." Arab and Islamic society faces the dangers of cultural and civilizational assimilation and intellectual invasion in various ways, “that aim at stereotyping the ideas and behavior of the Islamic society and the value of individual and collective according to the Western style."
This abstract translated by Dar AlMandumah Inc. 2018

ISSN: 2537-0766

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