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دلالة الاسماء في الرواية العربية: شجرة الفهود لسميحة خريس مثالا

العنوان المترجم: Names Meaning In The Arabic Novel: The Panthers' Tree By Samiha Khreis As An Example
المصدر: مجلة العلوم الانسانية
الناشر: جامعة بابل - كلية التربية للعلوم الإنسانية
المؤلف الرئيسي: البياتي، سوسن (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Al-Bayati, Sawsan
المجلد/العدد: مج23, ع3
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: العراق
التاريخ الميلادي: 2016
الشهر: ايلول
الصفحات: 1 - 16
DOI: 10.33855/0905-023-003-006
ISSN: 1992-2876
رقم MD: 825701
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: HumanIndex
كلمات المؤلف المفتاحية:
دلالة | الاسماء | سميحة | خريس | الرواية العربية | شجرة الفهود | Sign | Names | Samiha | Khureis | Arabic novel | leopards tree
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المستخلص: Come (Panthers tree) to open up to the transformations of Jordanian society to be personal Fahd Al-Rasheed orphan ambitionsIs finite and dreams vast and his will solid in the atmosphere of the wilderness, where the plateau Bomdaiha vast platform for these transitions, this character that does not satisfy the insult those who are older than him at the time when Fahd boy nascent, Eetmaa not brothers to him, Wagah and Aazzoh it is based in his next and there were only a unique rock solid mother, strong-willed, which supplied her only son with love vast Kalhillh that stop then Fahd day to be Hillth, she was able to stand with her son and forge together a world other than the one lived Fahd, has learned from that moment that stop the front men of the tribe who deliberately insulting silent film to life Come (Panthers tree) to open up to the transformations of Jordanian society to be personal Fahd Al-Rasheed orphan ambitions Is finite and dreams vast and his will solid in the atmosphere of the wilderness, where the plateau Bomdaiha vast platform for these transitions, this character that does not satisfy the insult those who are older than him at the time when Fahd boy nascent, Eetmaa not brothers to him, Wagah and Aazzoh it is based in his next and there were only a unique rock solid mother, strong-willed, which supplied her only son with love vast Kalhillh that stop then Fahd day to be Hillth, she was able to stand with her son and forge together a world other than the one lived Fahd, has learned from that moment that stop the front men of the tribe who deliberately insulting silent film to life Stronger , it was for him to be strong , bringing to his own free will to Aigv one in front of him , learning to love and ambition and dreams and the first fired in his secret desire to achieve a dream and make it a reality experienced by he and his children and grandchildren later. This vast amount of personalities from the generation of the father / grandfather and the end of a generation of children and grandchildren with women and harem Panthers House summoned a distinction between them and each one of them have a name , and has been associated with this name when each one of them also in terms of the event was associated with him closely . Stronger , it was for him to be strong , bringing to his own free will to Aigv one in front of him , learning to love and ambition and dreams and the first fired in his secret desire to achieve a dream and make it a reality experienced by he and his children and grandchildren later. This vast amount of personalities from the generation of the father / grandfather and the end of a generation of children and grandchildren with women and harem Panthers House summoned a distinction between them and each one of them have a name , and has been associated with this name when each one of them also in terms of the event was associated with him closely.

تأتي (شجرة الفهود) لتنفتح على تحولات المجتمع الأردني لتكون شخصية فهد الرشيد اليتيم بطموحاته غير المتناهية وأحلامه الواسعة وإرادته الصلبة في أجواء برية حيث الهضبة بأمدائها الشاسعة منطلقاً لهذه التحولات، فهذه الشخصية التي لم ترض الإهانة ممن هم اكبر منه سنا في الوقت الذي كان فيه فهد صبيا طري العود، يتيما لا أخوة له، لاجاه ولا عزوة يستند إليها في حياته المقبلة، ولم تكن هناك سوى فريدة الصخور الام الصلبة، قوية الإرادة، التي أمدت ابنها الوحيد بحب شاسع كالهضبة التي وقف عندها فهد ذات يوم لتكون هضبته، استطاعت أن تقف مع ابنها وليبنيا سوية عالما آخر غير الذي عاشه فهد، وقد تعلم منذ تلك اللحظة التي وقف فيها أمام رجال القبيلة الذين تعمدوا إهانته فلم يسكت أن الحياة للأقوى، فكان عليه أن يكون قوياً، فاصبح بإرادته لا يقف احد أمامه، وتعلم الحب والطموح والأحلام واطلق في سره رغبته الأولى في تحقيق الحلم وجعله واقعا يعيشه هو وأبناؤه وأحفاده فيما بعد. إن هذا الكم الهائل من الشخصيات ابتداء بجيل الأب/ الجد وانتهاء بجيل الأبناء والأحفاد مع نساء وحريم بيت الفهود استدعى تمييزا بينهم وأن يكون لكل واحد منهم اسما، وارتبط هذا الاسم عند كل واحد منهم أيضا بدلالة وحدث ارتبط به ارتباطا وثيقا.

ISSN: 1992-2876

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