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Nativity and Language

المصدر: المجلة الليبية العالمية
الناشر: جامعة بنغازي - كلية التربية بالمرج
المؤلف الرئيسي: Rakas, Mohammed S (Author)
المجلد/العدد: ع25
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: ليبيا
التاريخ الميلادي: 2017
الشهر: أغسطس
الصفحات: 1 - 11
DOI: 10.37376/1570-000-025-004
ISSN: 2518-5845
رقم MD: 827635
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: الإنجليزية
قواعد المعلومات: EduSearch
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المستخلص: The central issue taken up by this paper is the close relation between the concepts of 'Nativity' and 'Language Variety' (dialect). It is speculated, here, that 'Nativity', i.e. the internalized linguistic knowledge, is a property of a dialect, rather than the standard form of a language. This assumption leads to the investigation of universal dialectal properties such as accent, idiolect, style, register, etc. within the intricate relation existing between language and society. The end result of this paper supports the speculation that the broad term 'language' subsumes different native dialects, unified by a written and spoken standard form. The fact that the official standard spoken form reflects dialect variations is an evidence in support of the claim that nativity belongs to dialects

ISSN: 2518-5845

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