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Primary objective of the study is to analyze the educational learning facilities and how they are providing positive impact to the student learning and development. On the other hand, different psychological test and strength identification test has been performed to understand their capabilities. The mixed research approach has been undertaken in this study which include the collection of literature review related to the topic as well as performing different tests among the students to identify the level of accuracy and capabilities and achieve an optimum outcome of the study. Randomized crossover design has been undertaken for the study. For conducting the study 38 undergraduate students in a physiology class has been undertaken and they were divided into two groups to gather the desired data through collaborative testing process. The results of the stud is quite optimistic which indicates that the strategy and capabilities for the students is directly proportional to their educational development and learning. As per recommendation it has to be understood by the educators which process of learning is effective for a group of students by analysing their psychological behavior and different testing results.