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المرأة والأدب في ظل أسئلة الجنوسة

العنوان المترجم: Women and Literature Under the Questions of Gender
المصدر: مجلة الحكمة للدراسات الأدبية واللغوية
الناشر: مؤسسة كنوز الحكمة للنشر والتوزيع
المؤلف الرئيسي: بوزيداني، فريدة (مؤلف)
المؤلف الرئيسي (الإنجليزية): Bouzidani, Farida
المجلد/العدد: ع11
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: الجزائر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2017
الصفحات: 56 - 68
DOI: 10.12816/0048476
ISSN: 2353-0464
رقم MD: 865075
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: AraBase
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المستخلص: تعد كتابة المرأة قضية شائكة شغلت كثيرا من المنابر الفكرية و الأدبية و النقدية على مر العصور فمنذ أن نظر إلى المرأة على أنها شيطان جميل و كائن بين الإنسان و الحيوان إلى أن اعتبرت ناقصة عقل ، حتى ثار هذا المخلوق ليعلن أنه يملك العقل و العواطف و له الحق في الوجود مثله مثل الرجل . تفلسفت المرأة فكانت الفيلسوفة كما الرجل و أبدعت شعرا و نثرا فكانت الأديبة كما الرجل و مارست النقد فكانت الناقدة كما الرجل أيضا و ثنايا التاريخ تشهد على هذا , لكن لم ينظر إلى الفيلسوفة إلا بعين الرجل _ الذكر و لا إلى الأديبة إلا بعين هذا الذكر أيضا و كذا الناقدة لم تسلم هي الأخرى من تذكيرها ب...عقلها الأنثوي و قلمها المؤنث .

Because writing is an act of resistance to death, the writers are the lamps that illuminate the paths of humanity, and because literature is supposed to have no sex, but the question of male-female remains a matter of great difficulty. What is written by women and the issue remains to this day raises great controversy and this question remained on the table but became more controversial with modernity. This modernity is more closely associated with the historical course and the conditions experienced by the Western world during the period of obscurantism. It means that it is impossible to understand the meaning of modernity without returning to the historical conditions that were the cause of its emergence in a sense that can not be separated from the period before its birth. The context of Western historical development. It was not science alone who brought the Western world out of the darkness of the Church, but philosophy had the leading role in modifying the course of thought and appeared the German philosophy idealized by the slogan "the existence of non-rational beings," and came mental philosophy with the pioneer Descartes to cultivate the question of intellectual doubt in the mind of man by saying "I think therefore I exist." Accordingly, literature and criticism must respond to all these intellectual revolutions and take a different course from their previous tracks, by employing what came to science, so that literature and criticism met philosophy, and creativity became not so creative. But with a creative mind, conscious and understanding. First we have to define some definitions starting from the main questions, is feminist literature is the literature written by women about themselves and about women or is all literature written about women and does not matter the identification of the author, or is the literature written by women and enough, or literature that He will achieve the conditions of writing - to be criticized by critics for purely monetary considerations - the designation of "feminist literature" or will raise many questions whenever the subject is opened for discussion, there are those who consider the literature is "feminist literature associated with the movement of women's liberation and women's freedom and the long historical struggle of equality of men" It is also clear from what definitions feminist literature is not written by Alm But not necessarily ah, "the theme of women, the concept is not cast down from the door of attention to women as a subject, but rather the issue permeates the establishment of a new consciousness about themselves before and with the other and attempt language from the power menu icons filter in mainstream culture.

ISSN: 2353-0464

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