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Maker-Space: The New Trend of Academic Library Services

المصدر: المؤتمر الرابع والعشرون: البيانات الضخمة وآفاق استثمارها: الطريق نحو التكامل المعرفي
الناشر: جمعية المكتبات المتخصصة فرع الخليج العربي
المؤلف الرئيسي: AL Mousawi, Fatma A. M. (Author)
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: سلطنة عمان
التاريخ الميلادي: 2018
مكان انعقاد المؤتمر: مسقط
رقم المؤتمر: 24
الهيئة المسؤولة: جمعية المكتبات المتخصصة فرع الخليج العربي
الشهر: مارس
الصفحات: 1 - 18
رقم MD: 870108
نوع المحتوى: بحوث المؤتمرات
اللغة: الإنجليزية
قواعد المعلومات: HumanIndex
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المستخلص: This research focuses on investigating undergraduate students perception on developing a maker-space in the academic library. Maker-space is a term used to describe a physical space in the library, adopting a specific interest for its patrons in the goal of sharing knowledge, resources, and working on projects. Maker-space hosts different patrons that have different backgrounds who could help, and benefit each other academically, and socially. A survey of quantitative approach was used as tool to investigate the perception of the undergraduate students about having a maker-space. The sample was undergraduate students in Kuwait University. Findings of the questionnaire were conclusive, demonstrating acceptance of the idea, and the concept of makerspace. Results showed that participants would benefit of such space. Results proved that students need such a space in the academic library, helping them in learning process, and innovation as well, offering a common ground for their interests out of classrooms settings.

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