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علل التعبير القرآني في كتاب متشابه القرآن والمختلف فيه لابن شهرآشوب (ت 588هـ)

العنوان بلغة أخرى: The Interpretation of the Koran in a Book Similar to the Koran and Different to Ibn Shahrshub
المؤلف الرئيسي: علي، مروة حسين (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: العيداني، جلال الدين يوسف فيصل (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2017
موقع: الناصرية
التاريخ الهجري: 1438
الصفحات: 1 - 178
رقم MD: 881067
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة: جامعة ذي قار
الكلية: كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
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المستخلص: The Quran is the Book of the Miraculous God, and its timeless message, which is the crown of the esoteric Arabic, and its upper graphic, is coined by the Arabic dialects, including its miraculous systems in the formulation of its vocabulary and the accuracy of the choice of its words and structures. Qur'an attention has been received unless Anlh any other book, studied the faces of the various, overcame some scholars to study in terms of its history and coming toward him and his expression and his style and eloquence and manifestations of likeness. Since the selection accuracy is the approach in the systems, so that the Quranic systems may according to each word in which a special account, do not replace the word - in the Qur'anic expression - replaced her sister, whatever the convergence of Padilla between them, until you see the words of the Koran as if created for positions that came in, Therefore, the scholars of the Qur'aan on the authority of the interpreters and others have pointed out this accuracy in the choice of words and the disclosure of their meanings in the Qur'anic expression. Among them was Ibn Shahrshub, who was very interested in the choices of the Qur'anic systems, especially in his book (similar to the Koran and its different) enjoyed by the author - a son Chehrahob I have chosen this book as a field for my studies, which I have referred to as "the interpretation of the Qur'an in a book similar to the Koran and different to Ibn Shahrshub." Moreover, it was one of the reasons for my choice of this topic for my studies. It is related to the book of Allah the Great Book of Arabia, and the definition of science of the sciences of interpretation, the son of Shahrshob, one of the most prominent scholars of the sixth century AH, and my desire to extricate from the Quranic expression, which includes the science of Arabic language and the language and rhetoric, Subject redirection Atopic supervisor, the fact that the efforts of Ibn linguistic and grammatical Chehrahob not studied, as did her research or singles out a message Hedda study tagged with (curriculum Chehrahob son in a similar Qur'an and it is different), adoctoral thesis of the researcher Salwa Khudair Bohan.

This study was intended to illustrate the view of Ibn Shahrshub for the Qur'anic expression and the foundations on which his statement was based on the expression of the Holy Quran. My study in this thesis is divided into three chapters, preceded by a preface and followed by a conclusion. Similar to the Koran and different in it). The first chapter examined the meanings of the Quranic expression on the level of individual words, and divided it into five topics: the interpretation of the Quranic expression in the names, the interpretation of the Quranic expression in the acts, the interpretation of the Quranic expression in the letters, the Quranic b expression in the recitation and the feminization, the Quranic expression in individuals, The second chapter Vosmth b (the ills of the Quranic expression on the compositional level and stylistic), has included three topics are: deletion, appreciation, and presentation delays, refining The third chapter Fajssth of the ills of the Quranic expression on the semantic level, divided by the three sections, the first of which in Tag differences came, and the second significance of the allegorical, and the third in explanation of illusive contradiction in the Koran, and in the conclusion outlined the main findings of the research.

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