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الإشهاد على عقد الزواج بين الشريعة وقانون الأسرة الجزائري

العنوان المترجم: Witnessing the Marriage Contract Between Sharia and Algerian Family Law
المصدر: حوليات جامعة الجزائر 1
الناشر: جامعة الجزائر1 بن يوسف بن خدة
المؤلف الرئيسي: زازون، أكلي (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: حبار، أمال (م. مشارك)
المجلد/العدد: ع31
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: الجزائر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2017
الشهر: ديسمبر
الصفحات: 10 - 55
ISSN: 1111-0910
رقم MD: 889297
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: AraBase, IslamicInfo, EduSearch, HumanIndex, EcoLink
كلمات المؤلف المفتاحية:
Certification | Contract | Marriage | Islamic Sharia | Family Code | Condition of Validity | Condition of Fulfilment | Conditions | Dissolution
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المستخلص: The marriage contract represents one of the most important contracts in human life in general, and in the Muslim life in particular; for such purpose, the diving laws, the Islamic Sharia and the organic laws, have organized such contract and took care of the same more significantly than the other contracts, and distinguished it from the illegal relationship with certification. In the light of which, the subject of our research pertains to the certification of the marriage contract between Sharia and the Algerian Family Code issued under No.84-11 dated 09th Ramadan 1404 Hijri corresponding to 09th June 1984 Gregorian, amended and completed with the Ordinance No.05-02 dated 18th Muharram 1426 Hijri corresponding to 27th February 2005 Gregorian, since it is considered one of the issues creating the need to provide more statements and demonstrations thereof, namely if it would not be significantly mentioned and enlightened in the Family Code, bearing in mind that the Islamic jurisprudence books have provided full details of the same including all and every piece of detailed information in the certification of the marriage contract. Moreover, in order to handle this issue, we divided the research into two chapters, whose first was devoted to the definition of the certification, marriage and matrimony, and the ruling of certification of the same in Sharia and Law. Likewise, we compared, through the said chapter, between the ruling of certification in the Islamic Sharia and the Code of Family No.84-11, amended and completed with the Ordinance No.05-02, as well as to the laws of the personal status of some Arab countries, and whether it is considered as condition of validity or condition of fulfillment; thus, we noticed the failure existing in the Algerian Family Code with regards to the Islamic Sharia and to certain personal laws of some Arab countries, which had been indicated as a condition, but yet to be specified as to which condition meant, either condition of validity or condition of fulfillment. As for the second chapter, we evoked through which the conditions of certification of the marriage contract, the ones taken into consideration and those subject to difference among the Jurisprudents in the Islamic Sharia, and the position of the Family Code as to such conditions; in addition to the ruling of the marriage contract in case of failure to provide the certification in both Sharia and Family Code. Subsequently, we noticed that the conditions, that must mandatorily be available in the witnesses, have not been highlighted, contrarily to the facts highlighted through the personal status’ Arab laws, stipulating the conditions that should be available, in respect such as the capability, hearing and sight, and the attendance at the contract council and justice; nonetheless, it contradicted the majority of Scholars and the Islamic doctrines, while stipulating, through Article (33) thereof, the confirmation of the marriage contract with the marriage portion equal amount after consummation of marriage after the late provision of the certification condition, the fact of which is considered as legislation for the fornication itself. In closing, we accomplished our research with a conclusion showing, through the same, the defects and defficiencies that characterize the Family Code with regards to the condition of certification of the marriage contrat, either with regards to mentioning the same through Article (09) bis, or to the or to the ruling of its failure stipulated through Article (33). At the end, we summarized the main results reached by us, so as to be use full for researchers and specialists in writing the marriage contracts, like the officers civil status, notaries and judges.

يعد عقد الزواج من العقود المهمة في حياة الإنسان بشكل عام والإنسان المسلم بشكل خاص، ولهذا قامت الشرائع السماوية والشريعة الإسلامية والقانون بتنظيمه ورعايته أكثر من العقود الأخرى، وميزته عن العلاقة غير المشروعة بالإشهاد. ولهذا فإن موضوع البحث يتناول الإشهاد على عقد الزواج بين الشريعة وقانون الأسرة الجزائري الصادر تحت رقم 84- 11 المؤرخ في 09 رمضان عام 1404 ه الموافق لـــــ 09 يونيو سنة 1984 م المعدل والمتمم بالأمر 05- 02 المؤرخ في 18 محرم عام 1426 ه الموافق لــــ 27 فبراير سنة 2005 م،فقسناه إلى مبحثين عالجنا في المبحث الأول تعريف الإشهاد والزواج والنكاح، وحكم الإشهاد عليه في كل من الشريعة والقانون. أما المبحث الثاني فتطرقنا فيه إلى الحديث عن شروط الإشهاد على عقد الزواج، المعتبرة منها والمختلف حولها بين فقهاء الشريعة الإسلامية وموقف قانون الأسرة من هذه الشروط، وكذلك حكم عقد الزواج إذا تخلف فيه الإشهاد في كل من الشريعة وقانون الأسرة 05-02. ثم ختمنا البحث بخاتمة بينا فيها القصور والنقص الذي اعترى قانون الأسرة فيما يتعلق بشرط الإشهاد على عقد الزواج، سواء من حيث النص عليه في المادة التاسعة مكرر، ومن حيث حكم تخلفه المنصوص عليه في المادة الثالثة والثلاثين، كما تضمن البحث أهم النتائج التي توصلنا إليها.

ISSN: 1111-0910