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العائد الاقتصادي في ظل ترشيد مياه الري على المستوى المزرعي في مصر: دراسة حالة في محافظة كفر الشيخ

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Economic Return Under the Rationalization of Irrigation Water on the from Level in Egypt: A Case Study in Kafr El Sheikh Governorate
المصدر: مجلة البحوث التجارية المعاصرة
الناشر: جامعة سوهاج - كلية التجارة
المؤلف الرئيسي: علي، ياسر حامدي عبداللاه (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: مج29, ع1
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2015
الشهر: يونيه
الصفحات: 565 - 597
ISSN: 8452-111
رقم MD: 899614
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EcoLink
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المستخلص: تمثلت مشكلة البحث في سوء إستخدام مياه الري المحدودة في الزارعة المصرية، فضلاً عن إستقطاع جزء كبير من الأراضي الزراعية لإستخدامها كترع ومراوي لتحويل مياه النيل إلى المزارع والحقول لإستخدامها في الري، وهو ما تشغل حالياً ما يقرب من مليون فدان تمثل نحو 17% من إجمالي المساحة المزروعة بالأراضي القديمة وقدرها 6 مليون فداناً. وتسبب هذه المشكلة في هدر المتاح من مياه الري في الحقول، فضلاً عن ارتفاع تكاليف الحصول على المياه وإرتفاع التكلفة للعمالة الخاصة بإزالة الحشائش وصيانة الترع والمراوي التقليدية الحالية.

The study aims to identify the economic returns for a sample study in light of the rational use of irrigation water and to identify the costs of construction and operation and maintenance of marwa field in the Kafer El- Sheikh Governorate. The research aims at assessing some economic indicators that could be used to estimate the extent of superiority one of irrigation systems on other irrigation systems. It also aims to estimate the expected cost of irrigation using pipes buried under the soil and irrigating canals lined on the basis of field survey data from a sample of fanners in Kafer El-Sheikh and the reports of the Ministry of Irrigation and water resources. With the help of published and unpublished data, and primary field data, the study used descriptive and quantitative methods to achieve objectives of the study. And calls for an implementation of the study require and using of various statistical data and secondary published by several agencies including the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, and the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources. In addition to the primary field data collected from some villages in Kafer El-Sheikh, in addition to personal interviews with officials at the Irrigation Development Project in kafer El-Sheikh. Were selected four villages of the study sample that comprised 80 farmers in district Sidy Salem in Kafer El-Sheikh 40 of them farmers have been developed using the irrigating canals have classified pipes (PVC), and 20 farmers had been using the development lining. Was also selected 20 farmers hasn't been carried out development area of study. The study results show that: Construction costs of the quenched lining amounted to about 3096 L.E/faddan during the during durability of marwa estimated at 15 years, as costs of the maintenance of the lining around marwa 20.64 L.E/ faddan in the year of construction In the following years estimated maintenance costs about 30.96 L.E/ faddan per year. And thus with a total construction costs in the year to 227.04 L.E / faddan per year. The result lining irrigated been decreased in the cost of pumping water is estimated at 112.5 L.E/ year and about 45 L.E/ year savings in the cost of resistance grass. The lining of irrigated has added a new land added to the portion of the cultivation of about 94.5 m2 of arable land, or about 2.25% of the area. The result of the addition to the space it will increase productivity by 2.25% due to improved distribution of water will lead to increased productivity by 1.6% ads total yield a result of irrigated lining around 432.7 L.E/ faddan per year. And net revenue is estimated at 401.7 L.E/ faddan per year. The cost of establishing irrigated lining will be retrieved after 7.7 years. The cost of establishing irrigated using pipes Classifieds (PVC) buried in the soil amounted to about 3056 L.E/ faddan during durability of marwa, which is estimated at about 15 years, that construction costs in one year is estimated at 203.7 L.E/ faddan per year. The result of the use of pipes (PVC) under the soil for development of irrigated been savings in the cost of pumping water about 62.5 pounds / year. And irrigated add 135 m2 of arable land, or about 3.2% of the area. This leads to increased productivity by 3.2%, due to improved distribution of water will lead to increased productivity by 1.6% and the estimated value of this increase by about 114.4 L.E/ faddan per year. Thus the total revenue as the result of development of irrigated approximately 450.6 L.E/ faddan per year. And that net revenue is estimated at 420.04 L.E/ faddan per year. This means that the costs of establishing irrigated developer will be retrieved after 7.3 years. The study recommends the development of irrigating canals by: linings marwa, PVC pipes buried under the soil surface. And activating the role of rural organizations, such as water boards and water users associations and committees irrigating canals and strengthening cooperation between them. And expansion in developing new strains of crops, combining abundant crop and less need of irrigation water. Reducing the area of water-thirsty crops such as irrigation of sugar cane and bananas in Upper Egypt and the rice in Lower Egypt with the increase in cultivated area sugar beet and consistent with the production capacity of new plants for the production of sugar beet, for compensate the shortfall research in the development of desalination technology and the establishment of specialized treatment and research in water desalination.

ISSN: 8452-111