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تعتبر المخطوطات الإسبانية من أهم ما أنتجته إسبانيا في العصور الوسطى وبالأخص في القرن الثالث عشر الميلادي أي في عهد الملك ألفونسو العاشر (Alfonso X) الملقب بالعالم والحكيم (El Sabio)(1)، لما تحمله تلك المخطوطات من ثقافة وفنون وتراث أثرت بها على أوروبا في تلك الفترة، وكانت بمثابة الجسر الذى يربط أوروبا في العصور الوسطى بالثقافة والفنون الإسلامية بشكل عام والمنتشرة في إسبانيا في تلك الفترة بشكل خاص، ويرجع الفضل في ذلك إلى حركة الترجمة التي أهتم بها الإسبان بعدما أسس الملك ألفونسو السادس(Alfonso VI) (2) في مدينة طليطلة (Toledo) في القرن الثاني عشر الميلادي ما يعرف باسم مدرسة المترجمين الطليطليين (Escuela de Traductores de Toledo)، والتي عهد إليها بنقل أمهات الكتب العربية في مختلف العلوم إلى اللغة اللاتينية والتي كانت لغة الدين والدولة والعلم في الممالك الإسبانية، وبذلك أستمرت في مدينة طليطلة (Toledo)في دورها الثقافي، فأصبحت وسيطاً من أهم وسائط الثقافية العربية الإسلامية إلى جميع أرجاء القارة الأوروبية، وسرعان ما تحولت هذه المدينة العريقة إلى دار ترجمة كبيرة من الثقافة العربية الإسلامية إلى اللغة اللاتينية، وتوافد عليها الباحثون والمتعطشون للمعرفة من مختلف أنحاء أوروبا.
Spanish manuscripts are considered as the most important Spanish productions in the Middle Ages and especially in the thirteenth century AD, during the reign of King Alfonso X also Known as (The wise - El Sabio), this is due to the fact that these manuscripts contain culture, arts and heritage that affected Europe in that period, it served as the bridge linking medieval Europe to Islamic culture and art in general and which was widespread in Spain during this period, this is thanks to the translation movement which interests the Spaniards After Alfonso VI founded The Toledo School of Translators in the city of Toledo in the twelfth century AD. The research begins with a historical introduction on the city of Toledo through its geographical location and its cultural and political role in the history of Christian Spain and after the Islamic request and until it was reclaimed by the Spaniards by King Alfonso VI in 1085 AD, the research also examines this important event, which is considered one of the most important events in Spanish history in the Middle Ages and an important turning point in the cultural and artistic movement after the founding of Alfonso VI of the School of Translators in Toledo, which was entrusted with the translation of the mother of Arabic books in various sciences into Latin, Toledo became a center of Islamic culture in Christian Spain and continued its cultural and artistic role during the reign of King Alfonso X, known as the 13th century. The research deals with the design and the technique used in the manufacture of Spanish manuscripts in the 13th century through the selection of the researcher of the manuscripts of The songs (Las Cantigas) and it contains about 2800 scenes in the form of images, and these manuscripts are exceptional pieces in Europe, and the images become models form and show us how to set up a special art school Especially for those images in terms of design and technical and explained to us the operational stages that passed, thanks to the fact that there is a manuscript of Florentine that has not yet been completed, we can document and define the operational stages of the manuscript, and we have reached this through studying and analyzing some of the pages of the manuscript, which contains images in unfinished stages and other stages in progress, we can also deduce the style and technique in the design and manufacture of these Spanish manuscripts in the 13th century, as well as the manuscript of the Games (Libro De Los Juegos) to know how they colored and painted those manuscripts. The Research Problem: Is there a role for the city of Toledo and the school of translators in the Spanish manuscripts manufacture in the Middle Ages? Is there a special art painting school for those Spanish manuscripts in the Middle Ages? Are there any advantages to these manuscripts in terms of design and technique used for the stages of implementation of the images? The Research Objectives: Studying and analyzing the stages of design and technique used in the manufacture of Spanish manuscripts in the 13th century. This research importance: The study can be in addition to the Arabic library, Its topic has not taken sufficient study artistically, since the previous studies concerned in the manuscripts of this period in terms of historical and cultural only.