المستخلص: |
يدور البحث حول دولة رابح بن فضل الله، وقيامها في منطقة حوض بحيرة تشاد، التي اتخذها ميدانًا لنشاطه، ففي البداية يتناول طبيعة أوضاع المنطقة قبيل ظهور رابح بن فضل الله، وتكوين دولته، ومن ثم حياته ونشأته، كما يتناول أثر نشاط رابح ومحاولة بسط سيطرته على المنطقة، وتكوين دولته التي استمرت سبع سنوات، متضمنًا علاقته بالقوى المحلية، المتمثلة بقبائل المنطقة، وأيضًا علاقة هذه القوى بالفرنسيين، ودخولها في صراع مع رابح، كذلك يتناول صلة رابح ببريطانيا وموقفها منه، وأخيرًا وصف لطبيعة الصراع بين رابح والقوة الفرنسية في المنطقة وما آل إليه هذا الصراع وترتب عليه من نتائج.
The study revolves around the state of Rabah bin Fadlallah, and its establishment in the area of the Basin of Chad Lake, which he took as the field for his activity. It first deals with the nature of the conditions of the region before the emergence of Rabah bin Fadlallah, and the composition of his state, and then his life and his growth. It also deals with the impact of Rabeh's activity and the attempt to extend his control over the region and the formation of his seven- year state, including his relationship with the local forces represented by the tribes of the region, and also the relationship of these forces with the French, and their involvement in a conflict with Rabah. The study also deals with Rabah's connection with Britain and its position on him. Finally, a description of the nature of the conflict between Rabah and the French force in the region, and the consequences of this conflict with its obtained results is also presented.