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بناء خطة مقترحة لنظم الأمان الصناعي والصحة المهنية داخل مصانع إنتاج الزي الموحد

العنوان بلغة أخرى: A Proposed Plan for Industrial Safety and Occupational Health for Uniform Production Factories
المصدر: مجلة التصميم الدولية
الناشر: الجمعية العلمية للمصممين
المؤلف الرئيسي: العمري، أفنان عبدالله عوض (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: مج9, ع2
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2019
الشهر: ابريل
الصفحات: 21 - 36
DOI: 10.21608/IDJ.2019.83286
ISSN: 2090-9632
رقم MD: 985244
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: HumanIndex
كلمات المؤلف المفتاحية:
صناعة الملابس | مصانع انتاج الزي الموحد | الأمان الصناعي | الصحة المھنیة | Garment Industry | Uniform Production Factories | Industrial Safety | Occupational Health
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المستخلص: تهدف الدراسة الحالية إلى التعرف على أهم إجراءات الأمان الصناعي والصحة المهنية المتبعة في أقسام مصانع إنتاج الزي الموحد (قسم القص - قسم الإنتاج - قسم الكي)، وتحليل العوامل التي تؤدي إلى إصابات العمل بهذه الأقسام، بالإضافة إلى التعرف على أهم المتطلبات الضرورية اللازم توافرها في مصانع إنتاج الزي الموحد والتي تحقق الأمان الصناعي والصحة المهنية وذلك باستخدام بطاقة الملاحظة والاستبيان، ومن خلال النتائج سيتم بناء خطة مقترحة للأمان الصناعي والصحة المهنية في مصانع إنتاج الزي الموحد بالمملكة العربية السعودية، وقد خلصت الدراسة إلى عدم وجود إجراءات خاصة بصناعة الملابس من جهات رسمية وبالتالي قصور في اتباع إجراءات الأمان الصناعي والصحة المهنية داخل مصانع إنتاج الزي الموحد، وقد تم بناء خطة مقترحة للأمان الصناعي والصحة المهنية داخل أقسام مصانع إنتاج الزي الموحد.

Faculty Member (Lecturer), Faculty of Design, Umm Al Qura University The researcher conducted a visit to some production factories uniforms in Makkah area in order to identify the most important industrial safety measures and occupational health. The researcher found that there are special requirements for industrial safety and occupational health issued by the Directorate General of Civil Defense .A study of (Alam, 2016 ) confirmed that there are many laws and regulations covering the needs of workers in industries, but they do not cover the various industries in the country. In addition, most of these laws lack standard value of ready – made clothes industry. As the ready made clothes industry sector has many risks, the(Sobuj, 2011) study suggests that the most common injuries among garment workers are asthma, ear and eye problems, skin allergies, bone injuries and cancer, Therefore, the current study seeks to build a plan for industrial safety and occupational health appropriate for factories to produce uniforms in Saudi Arabia in an attempt to overcome these problems. The problem of research can be summarized in the following questions: Research Questions: What are the factors that lead to work injuries in different departments of uniform production factories? What are the procedures for industrial safety and occupational health in the various departments of uniform production factories? What are the necessary requirements for industrial safety and occupational health in uniform production factories ? To what extent can a proposed industrial safety and occupational health plan for uniform production factories be developed? Objectives: Identify the factors that lead to work injuries in the various departments in uniform production factories and Identify the industrial safety and occupational health procedures used in different sections of uniform production factories also to Identify the necessary requirements for industrial safety and occupational health in uniform production factories in order to build a plan for industrial safety and occupational health for uniform production factories in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Methodology: analytical descriptive approach. The research results are summarized in the following points: Factories suffer from a lack of interest in the application of the principles of ergonomic in the design of workstations, cutting tables, knitting and ironing. Safety of the work area due to the presence of factories in industrial cities qualified for the establishment of industrial projects. There is no interest in providing appropriate personal protective equipment for the garment industry. There is also no interest in directing staff to commit to these duties in case of availability and leave the matter according to the desire of the worker himself. There is some interest in providing the appropriate physical factors of ventilation and industrial lighting and the transfer of attention to providing natural lighting and ventilation within the factory atmosphere. - Factories suffer from a lack of adequate sanitation facilities for factory workers. There is a clear interest in the requirements set by the Directorate of Civil Defense because it is related to obtaining permission to practice the profession.

ISSN: 2090-9632

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