المستخلص: |
إن الكتاب الذي قمنا بدراسته هو جهد المقل في متاهات الصوفية حاول فيه البغدادي النيسابوري تبيان حقيقة الصوفية في أربعة عشر باباً، بين فيها حقيقة التصوف والصوفي وعلاقته بأهل طائفته وعامة الناس، من حيث كانت دعوة صريحة إلى مكارم الأخلاق وحسن التوكل على الله، والتماس الوصايا من العلماء والتواضع والشفقة والسخاء والفتوة والرضا والتسليم والمحبة...وكل هذه الخصال هي من مكارم الأخلاق التي جاء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ليتممها.
Sufism is a religious movement that cast its shadow over politics, literature and thought in general, but remained close to the religious aspect. It emerged from the asceticism that trampled some of its followers on the teachings of the Islamic religion. It entered the monastic order that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade. In its beginning, it was a crystal clear mirror reflecting the earlier ascetics’ morals; then the mirror witnessed some broken fragments which led to the distortion of the real image of Sufism that made factions of this nation fragments of the broken mirror which their features appeared to be disfigured and each group took a fragment and dispersed throughout the earth. The fact that it became difficult and impossible to reconstruct the first image of Sufism. The book that we studied is the effort of the one who does not know about the mazes of Sufism, in which al-Baghdadi al Nissappuri who tried to explain the truth of Sufism in fourteen chapters where he showed the truth of Sufism and Sufi and its relationship with the people of his community and the general public, in terms of an explicit call to good morals and good trust in God, and to seek the commandments of scholars as well as modesty, compassion, generosity, magnanimity, satisfaction, acceptance and love... All these qualities are among the morals that the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him – brought with him to complete them.