المستخلص: |
هو من علماء النصف الأول من القرن الثامن الهجري الرابع عشر الميلادي ولد وترعرع وتعلم ودفن في تونس. وارتحل إلى الجزائر وإلى الشرق، فأخذ عن علماء عصره. وبرع في الفقه والأصول والعربية. وغالباً ما يذكر في المصادر مقترناً بأخيه شمس الدين محمد. نقل المؤرخون أنه ألف مصنفات في علوم الشريعة واللغـة لا يعرف مصير أغلبها، واشتهر بتصنيف كتاب في فن إعراب القرآن سماه المجيد في إعراب القرآن المجيد، تلقاه العلماء بالقبول، وأثنى عليه مؤرخو العلوم.
He is one of the first half of the ٨th century AH/ ١٤th AD. He was born, grown up, raised, learned, dead and burried in his country Tunisia. He travelled to the orient and occident: bejaya, Cairo, Bagdad and Sham where he took from the eminent scholars of his time. He was excelled in linguistics, fikh and principles of fikh. Frequently, he was mentioned in the sources coupled with his brothes Shams-addin. Historian quoted that he wrote many publications and workbooks in sharia and language sciences, specially linguistic quranic studies that fate of most of them is not knowm. Ha wone fame by his masterpiece in the science of parsing/ expression of holy quran entiteled: Al-mujid fi iarab al-quran almajid. Burhan addin received acceptance by scholars and his book was praised and evaluated by them.