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خصائص ذوى الإعاقة فى مصر 2017

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Characteristics of the Disabled in Egypt 2017
المصدر: السكان : بحوث ودراسات
الناشر: الجهاز المركزي المصري للتعبئة العامة والإحصاء
مؤلف: هيئة التحرير (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع98
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2019
الشهر: يوليو
الصفحات: 67 - 114
رقم MD: 1065175
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EcoLink
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المستخلص: Results 1-The percentage of individuals with difficulties (disabilities ranging from high to absolute degree) reached 2.48% for the total of Egypt in 2017, slightly increased in rural areas to reach 2.52%, compared to 2.41% in urban areas, it increased slightly for males to reach 2.55%, compared to 2.40% for females. 2-The highest percentage of individuals with difficulties (disabilities) (from a lot of difficulty to absolute) was in Minya (3%), followed by Cairo (2.75%), Assiut, Kafr El Sheikh and Behaira (2.72%). 3-The percentage of individuals with difficulties (disabilities from simple to absolute) reached 10.55% for the total of Egypt, slightly increased in urban areas to reach 11.61%, compared to 9.73% in rural areas. It also rose slightly for males to reach 10.87%, compared to 10.2% for females. 4-The highest percentage of individuals with difficulties (from simple of difficulty to absolute) was in Cairo (13.73%) of its total population, followed by Alexandria with 12.67%. 5-The highest percentage of individuals with difficulties (from high to absolute degree) was for those with walking or climbing steps difficulty which reached 1.34%, followed by self-care difficulty (0.67%), then understanding and communication difficulty (0.60%), remembering or concentrating difficulty (0.53%) and seeing difficulty (0.54%). 6-The highest percentage of individuals with difficulties (from simple to absolute) was for those with walking or climbing steps difficulty, which reached 6.16%, followed by seeing difficulty (4.63%), remembering or concentrating difficulty (3.56%). The lowest percentage was for the difficulty of understanding and communicating with others (2.74%) and self-care (2.86%). 7-Males with difficulties represent a slightly higher percentage (53.2%) compared to females with difficulties (46.8%). The same pattern applies in both urban and rural areas Egypt. 8-The youngest age group (5-14 years old) represents 15% of the total individuals with difficulties (5 years and above). For youth (15-29 yearn), they represent 17.2%. There are about 43.1% of those with difficulties in the working age group (30-64 years). The older age group (65 years and above) represents about a quarter of those with difficulties. 9-The percentage of females who have never married was 15.6% of the total number of individuals with difficulties, compared to 23.4% for males. The percentage of married men with difficulties was 62.6%, compared to 42.2% for women. This is because males remarry' in case of widowhood or divorce, while most females prefer to stay in divorce or widowhood to care for their families. 10-The percentage of illiterate individuals with difficulties was 57.6%. It is twice that for individuals without difficulties (25%). 11.1% of the individuals with difficulties were able to obtain a technical secondary qualification, 5.6% of those with difficulties had successfully obtained a university degree or higher. 11-The percentage of individuals with difficulties, who never attended school increased significantly, reached 60.8%, while for females it rose to 68.5% compared to 53.9% for males. About 10% of individuals with difficulties have enrolled and dropped out of education. The percentage increased to 11.3% for males compared to 7.9% for females. 12-Disability is the main reason for non-enrollment in education, which reached 64.4% for individuals with difficulties who never attended school, and the ratio was closed for both males and females. There are four other main reasons for non-enrollment in education: the difficulty of reaching school, the unwillingness of the family, the financial conditions of the family, and the unwillingness of the individual. 13-Disability was the most important reason for the dropout from education for individuals with difficulties, but with a lower rate compared to non-enrollment, with a 36.9%, The percentage for the reason of individual's unwillingness to complete his education and leave without obtaining certificates is much higher (19.3%), due to his disability and difficulty dealing with colleagues. 14-The financial conditions of the family have prevented the completion of education by 13.7%. This may be due to the need for special care or means of transportation, which costs their families much money that the family cannot meet. Repeated repetition lead to dropout for 5.2% of total dropouts. 15-The highest percentage of workers with difficulties were for those working in the field of services and selling, accounting for 24.5%, followed by skilled workers in agriculture, representing 21.9%, while the clerks were the lowest, representing 3.5% of those employed (15 years and over). 16-The highest percentage of those with difficulties was in agriculture sector with 28.1%, followed by those engaged in manufacturing (7.6%), education (7.4%) and transport and storage (7.0%). About 6% of people with difficulties work in household services, 5.5% work in construction, about 5% work in food and accommodation services and 3.3% work in health and social work. 17-47.2% of employed persons with disabilities have permanent work, followed by those who work occasionally by 21.0%. Those who work in temporary jobs are only 20% of those with difficulties. The lowest percentage was for those who work in seasonal jobs (11.8%). 18-The percentage of participation or utilization of social insurance was 32.5%, which is about one third of the individuals with difficulties, and the majority of the percentage were for beneficiaries only 24.3%, while the others were either subscribers only (4.7%) or subscribers & beneficiaries (3.4%). This ratio rises compared to the same percentage of individuals without the difficulties who participants or beneficiaries of social insurance, which amounted to 22%. 19-Only 30% of those with difficulties are participants or beneficiaries of health insurance, although they are the most group needed to receive health care. This percentage increased to 34.4% for males and 24.9% for females. In comparison with the percentage of individuals without difficulties who participant or beneficiaries of the health insurance, which is 45.1%. 20- 91.4% of individuals with difficulties who were participants or beneficiaries of health insurance are in the government sector. 21-40.4% of individuals with difficulties using mobile. Comparing the last percentage with the corresponding percentage for individuals without difficulties (69%) of mobile users. 22-13.1% of people with difficulties use computers, comparing this ratio with the ratio of individuals without difficulties, which reached 32.6%, it is clear that this percentage is low. 23-The low percentage of computer using among individuals with difficulties led to a decrease in tire percentage of Internet users. Internet use was only 12.5% among people with difficulties, while 32.2% for individuals without difficulties. Recommendations: 1-Provide a database on persons with disabilities by age and disability type. 2-Provide public and private education opportunities and higher vocational education for those with difficulties, prepare educational curricula appropriate to their abilities, provide educational and technical possibilities that are suitable to deal with them and allocate places for persons with disabilities for admission to post graduate studies. 3-Training and developing people with disabilities in accordance with the needs of the labor market and providing job opportunities commensurate with their abilities and the allocation of their own degrees within ministries and non-ministries. 4- Expanding the social safety net to cover all individuals with difficulties, especially for those with high degree difficulties. 5-Work to cover people with disabilities with a comprehensive health insurance that guarantees them a decent life.