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الأحباس على المكتبات في الأندلس ودورها في النهضة العلمية 138-897 هـ.= 756-1492 م.

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Al-Alrbas on Libraries in Andalusia and its Role in the Scientific Renaissance 138 - 897 e. = 756 - 1492
المصدر: مجلة المؤرخ العربي
الناشر: اتحاد المؤرخين العرب بالقاهرة
المؤلف الرئيسي: زناتي، أنور محمود (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: ع26
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2018
الصفحات: 132 - 193
DOI: 10.21608/HJA.2018.80709
ISSN: 2535-2288
رقم MD: 1075915
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: HumanIndex
كلمات المؤلف المفتاحية:
الأحباس على المكتبات | الأوقاف | المكتبات في الأندلس | الحبس على الكتب | أحباس مكتبات المساجد | أحباس مكتبات المدارس | Library Libraries | Endowments | Librarieslin Andalusia | Confinement on Books | Libraries of Mosques | Ihbass School Libraries
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المستخلص: في هذه الدراسة سوف نتعرض لأهمية الوقف على الكتب والمكتبات، ودوره في النهضة العلمية في الأندلس، قدم الحبس أو الوقف للمجتمع الإسلامي خدمات جليلة ساهمت في النهضة الحضارية التي توصل إليها المسلمون، وتشير القراءة المتأنية لتاريخ الحضارة الإسلامية في عصورها المختلفة إلى أن الوقف قام بدور بارز في تطوير المجتمعات الإسلامية اقتصاديا واجتماعياً وعلمياً وعمرانياً؛ فقد امتدت تأثيراته لتشمل معظم أوجه الحياة بجوانبها المختلفة.

In this study we will discuss the importance of the waqf on books and libraries and its role in the scientific renaissance in Andalusia. The confinement or suspension of the Islamic community provided great services that contributed to the cultural renaissance reached by the Muslims. A careful reading of the history of Islamic civilization in its different ages indicated that the Waqf played a prominent role in the development of Islamic societies economically, socially, scientifically and academically and academically, its effects have extended to include most aspects of life in different aspects. Objectives of the study: 1- To highlight the importance represented by Al-Ahbas on libraries in Andalusia in uncovering and interpreting many of the events and issues related to the Waqf on the libraries in Andalusia and its cultural role. 2- Demonstrating the glorification of the people of Andalusia for books and libraries through various Andalusian sources. 3- Monitoring the moratorium on libraries in Islamic civilization in terms of; type's elements and organization. 4- The desire to collect, produce and monitor the information scattered in the stomachs of various sources about the moratorium on libraries in Andalusia and its role in the scientific renaissance. 5- Attempt to identify the relationship between the role of the Waqf and its cultural impact on the scientific life in Andalusia. 6- To highlight the efforts of the Sate and individuals and groups of society in the care of the people of Andalusia to stop libraries, and the results of the progress and renaissance of the Andalusian nation. Study plan: In the first topic, the study of: Waqf on Libraries in Islamic Civilization: types, Elements and Organization. The second topic was entitled: the Civilization Role of the Arrest of Libraries in Andalusia, and its role in the scientific renaissance. Then the research was concluded and the conclusions and recommendations of the study were drawn. Methodology: As for the curriculum of the study did not follow a single approach; because of them what needed to descriptive approach, including what needed to approach the inductive critical, and made as much as possible to use analysis and reasoning and linkage and conclusion as per the requirements of research and the availability of scientific material.

ISSN: 2535-2288