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|b In Ovid’s Heroides, Medea plays the role of author through writing letter to her unfaithful and disloyal husband. So, this paper aims to study Media's standpoint and her way of dealing with some of her story events, through which she attempts to remind her husband Jason the help that offered him, to acquire the golden fleece, and after that take revenge against Pelias who usurped the throne of lolcos, homeland of Jason. Medea sent this letter to Jason, after his marriage with the Corinthian King's daughter, Creusa. This letter provides the reader the opportunity to follow the mental and ethical aspects of the heroine, especially she herself plays the role of the letter writer, and gives an impression total absence of Ovid from writing it. This impression offers the heroine the possibility of creating a unique image served her point of view against the hero. She succeeded in that by making use of two famous sources of literary tradition, the Medea of Euripides, and the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius. This paper attempts also to explain how the heroine utilizes the myth in her letter through the scope of mature woman who lived the past experience as a young girl in the Aronautica and the past of mature woman and deceived wife in the play of Euripides. In Ovid, Medea represents a character who tries to defend herself through the literary tradition to justify any deed that would lead to defending the dignity of deceived women, such as the murder of the two children, the most brutal act of the heroine that made Medea one of the most tragic as well as impressive figures in the Greek Tragedy. The heroine of Ovid does not give the impression that she bears in mind the revenge, rather presenting herself as a loving mother, far rom from the character of the woman who killed her two children to avenge and defend her dignity. Only in the end of her letter, there is an allusion to potential punishment and revenge from her enemies. Furthermore, this paper attempts to shed light on the character of Medea, as a deceived woman who could do anything for sake of love; on the other side, portrayed Jason as destitute of morals, as well as heroic aspects of Hellenistic epic and thus creating a favorable figure of Colchian woman.