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ماهية السلوك التنظيمي للعامل في هويته الاجتماعية وثقافة المؤسسة

العنوان بلغة أخرى: What Is the Organizational Behavior of the Worker Between his Social Identity and the Culture of the Institution
Le Comportement Organisationnel du Travailleur Entre Son Identité Sociale et la Culture de L'entreprise
المصدر: مجلة أفكار وآفاق
الناشر: جامعة الجزائر2 - أبو القاسم سعدالله
المؤلف الرئيسي: سبخاوى، حنان (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: مج9, ع1
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: الجزائر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2021
الصفحات: 87 - 104
DOI: 10.46448/1698-009-001-005
ISSN: 2170-1431
رقم MD: 1156400
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: HumanIndex
كلمات المؤلف المفتاحية:
الهوية | الهوية المهنية | الهوية الإجتماعية | ثقافة المؤسسة | السلوك التنظيمي | Identity | Identity At Work | Social Identity | Organizational Behavior | Organizational Culture
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المستخلص: نحاول في هذا المقال أن نقوم بقراءة حول موضوع الهوية في العمل، وما يلزمنا لمناقشة هذا الموضوع لكون الهوية المهنية في المؤسسة الجزائرية بمثابة نتاج لتقاطع الثقافة المجتمعية والثقافة التنظيمية، والذي يعرف بثنائية مصادر ثقافة المؤسسة. فعملية بناء الهوية بل وإدراكها قد تصبح صعبة لأن الهوية هي الموجه الرئيسي لأي سلوك فردي وهي مصدر لهويته الشخصية والمهنية ولتميزه، ويظهر تأثيرها في شكل سلوكات وتصرفات قد تتعارض في بعض الأحيان مع أهداف المؤسسة. وعليه فإنه لابد من اعتبار الثقافة كمتغير أساسي من المتغيرات الواجب الاهتمام بها في تحديد أهداف التنظيم بشكل عام. وسنبين في مقالنا مدى أهمية دور الهوية في تعزيز الانتماء إلى الجماعة المهنية بالاشتراك في الأفكار والمعتقدات والقيم والوسائل والطرق المجتمعية والمكتسبة عبر مراحل التنشئة الاجتماعية.

The subject of identity at work is one of the most complex issues in the Algerian institution. If it is the result of the successive developments that the individual knows and the result of professional sociocultural relations established by the individual within the institution, it is the result of two cultures, Which is known as the two sources of the culture of the institution and thus the culture of the worker in general, the process of building identity and even awareness may become somewhat difficult, as the latter is the main guide to any behavior that can be issued by this individual, and it is a source of personal and professional identity, What is the identity of any social actor does not help him to social and professional progress, but also determine his career as it plays a pivotal role in the process of differentiation and beyond the interference in scientific and intellectual fields and it is clear that the actors within the institution individuals or groups before they are members of the organization They are members of other social units that are distinct from a specific culture. The latter deeply affect individuals, and this effect appears in the form of behaviors and behaviors that may sometimes conflict with the objectives of the institution. Therefore, culture must be considered as a fundamental variable to be considered in determining the objectives of the organization in general. The organization is a human being with actors who are different from each other. They have rules of play, goals and special strategies. Each organization has cultural sociological characteristics stemming from the culture of a traditional or modern society. The difference in the working class is no longer linked to the category and the professional competence, but rather to the result of multiple cultural interactions, which are saturated with methods of social organization and individual capacities. However, the role of identity lies not only in discrimination and difference, but also in the promotion of belonging to the community through ideas, beliefs and values. Through the teaching and education of the individual to a variety of methods and methods of community and through successive stages, is through the development and social normalization, and since the process of socialization is a social phenomenon based on the collective conscience of society, that is working on The individual receives daily experiences through his relationship with the community, the family, the school, the group of comrades, work, etc. And all that would help to define the parameters of social identity and therefore professional identity as a social identity ie the outcome of successive developments in the sense of socialization received by the individual in the family and society before entering the world of work, in addition to those received before joining the work and which mean the organizational formation or Professional sense is the individual between his professional identity and social identity.

Nous proposons dans cet article une revisiter la question de l'identité au travail, qui fait l’objet d’un débat renouvelé en raison de la complexité de la construction de l'identité professionnelle dans la société algérienne. Le processus de construction d'une identité, est un processus complexe. L’identité est le guide principal de tout comportement individuel. Elle est une source de son identité personnelle et professionnelle et de sa distinction par rapport aux autres. Elle se manifeste dans des comportements qui peuvent parfois entrer en conflit avec les objectifs de l'organisation. La culture est une variable de base dans la détermination des objectifs de l'organisation en général. Dans notre article, nous montrerons l'importance du rôle de l'identité dans le renforcement de l'appartenance à la communauté professionnelle par le partage des idées, des croyances et des valeurs, acquises à travers la socialisation.

ISSN: 2170-1431