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Benefits of Using BIM Tools to Resolve Clashes in Iraqi Construction Projects: Case Study

المؤلف الرئيسي: عطية، أنمار فيصل (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: Al-Btoush, Muhammed (Advisor)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2021
موقع: عمان
الصفحات: 1 - 114
رقم MD: 1256922
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: الإنجليزية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة: جامعة الاسراء الخاصة
الكلية: كلية الهندسة
الدولة: الاردن
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
رابط المحتوى:

الناشر لهذه المادة لم يسمح بإتاحتها.

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المستخلص: When the components that make up a built asset are not spatially coordinated and clashed, this is referred to as a clash in design language. These incompatibilities can be identified more quickly in a building information modeling process during the design phase of a project, before construction begins on site. Most construction projects in Iraqi ministries suffer from a lack of coordination between project parties, which leads to problems in later project stages, particularly during the building stage, when one of the primary issues is a confrontation between civil, architectural, and other parties. This study aims to examine the architectural element clashes and detect them early in the design process, resulting in fewer errors during the implementation phase. There were two phases in this research. The first phase was a quantitative technique that included creating a questionnaire divided into three sections and focused on time and expense overruns. The second phase featured a case study in which three buildings in Diyala Governorate were chosen. Navisworks and Revit were utilized as programs, and the cost determined by Revit and the tender were compared. The result showed that, in the first part, (The financial deficit of the contractor) was the first critical factor; (the contractor’s non-compliance with the technical specifications) was the second rank. In the second part, (Using Building Information modeling technology that reduces and resolving clashes between project elements during the design phase) was the first critical factor. Moreover, the second factor (BIM technology increases communication between the project team) was the second rank. A lot of clashes were detected by using Navisworks, such as hard clash between mechanical and plumbing elements that has a grid location of (C-7: 3- Roof Floor) in villa classic project. The cost calculated using Revit is considered more accurate and differs from tender about 18% for wall, 10% for floor, and 6.25% for doors.

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