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|b The second part of this analytical study under the title "Methods of the Characterization of the Arab Element in the Historical Spanish Drama from the 18th Century to the 20th Century: Part II" presents another important approach of research that handles the stage from Restoration to Expulsion. The second part of the current study follows the same methodological approach that we illustrated in the first part of this study "Methods of the Characterization of the Arab Element" in which we presented and analyzed several sub-themes related to the main theme, namely the theme of "The Loss of Spain", which was reflected in the historical legendary embodiment of events and personalities. Subsequently, the study highlights the development of the historical dramatic works through the projection on the theme of conquest, which appeared evidently in the theme that dealt with the sub-theme of "Legend of Zourek", passing through "dramatic and tragic works of joint companionship from Goths and Arabs", then this projection finally came to highlight the last theme related to the conquest or "Loss of Spain", under the title "Characterization in Romantic Plots", till the second part that we have in our hands "From Restoration to Expulsion", in which we will continue to analyze its different aspects either in terms of its themes or in terms of its dramatic techniques of characterization, as we apply the same criteria related to the historical sequence: from the Age of Enlightenment till the second half of the twentieth century. Therefore, as we indicated earlier, the aim of writing these historical dramatic works can thus be illustrated through the systematic application of the themes and the historical sequence of the dramatic works that reflect several epochs, in addition to the critical treatment of all its aspects that are characterized by either a stylistic or a technical development in everything related to theatrical characterization. The study of the methods of characterization of the Arab element and its techniques is performed systematically in the current work, by applying the same criteria that we applied in the first part of this study to themes with heroic, enthusiastic or national backgrounds. However, criticism in this second part of the study is directed to the themes that are related to the stage "From Restoration to Expulsion", that affect actually all the elements of drama and the social, political, cultural and ideological factors that fall within its context accordingly. The study, by its intrinsic nature, analyzes primarily the methods or the ways of characterization according to the suggested elements of the study in advance, as it depends firstly on themes that highlight the stage of "Restoration" and ends with other themes that handle "Revolution and Expulsion", which allow us to evaluate their development in dramatic plots and events, and thus, in the embodiment of characters that affect the dramatic structure and the socio-political vision from different angles, reflected in this study in the slow stage of "Restoration till Expulsion", which is not only limited to theatre in Spain but it also deals with works in the theatre of "novohispano"
|d En esta segunda parte de nuestro estudio analítico sobre las vías-de la cracterisación del elemento árabe en el drama histórico español, se propone enfocar otra liñea de investigación importante ubicada desde la Reconquista hasta la expulsión. De la misma manaera que hemos planteado en la primera parte del mismo plan de las vias de caracterizacioón del elemento árabe, en ella hemos analizado y proyectado varias temáticas encabezadas por El tema de la pérdida de España, reflejado en la carcaterización histórico- mitológica, seguiendo el desarrollo y el enfoque sobre los dramas históricos acerca de la Conquista en el subtema de El mito de Rodrigom, pasando por los dramas y las tragedias de coprotagonismo visigodo-árabe, llegando al final a mostrarlo en el último epigrafe bajo el título de cracterisación en los tramas amorosas. Asi se llega a la segunda parte en la que continuamos con el análisis aplicando los misimos criterios a partir de la Ilustración hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Así que, como ya habíamos señalado antes, se ve notoriamente que, con el mismo orden temático y cronológico de obras, ubicadas en diversas épocas, se pretende abarcar el alcance dramático de este tipo de drama histórico marcado por el desarrollo y la evolución en lo que se refiere a los recursos teatrales de caracterizanción. Las vías se estudian sistemáticamente en el presente trabajo, al igual de la primera parte, en temáticas de fondo heróico o nacional, siendo el comentario en el presente destinado al tema de De la Reconquista a la expulsión que afectria, por supuesto, a todos los elementos compositivos del drama y, por tanto, los factores sociopolíticos, culturales e ideológicos que intrevienen en su contextualización. El estudio por su naturaleza analiza, en primer lugar, las vías o las-técnicas de la caracterización, siguiendo un esquema prepuesto o pre planificado a partir de temáticas gestadas en la Reconquista, terminando con temáticas de revolución y expulsión, lo cual nos permite valorar su evolución en tramas, acciones y, consecuentemente, carcterizaciones de figuras que vertebran la construcción dramática y la visión sociopolítica en diferentes aspectos, vistas, en el prsente estudio, desde la fase lenta de la Reconquista y la expulsión que no solo se limita al teatro producido en España sino también aquello llamado teatro novohispano.