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"革命现实主义" 对中国小说的影响

المصدر: مجلة كلية الآداب
الناشر: جامعة الفيوم - كلية الآداب
المؤلف الرئيسي: إبراهيم، ريم جمال عبدالجليل (مؤلف)
المجلد/العدد: مج15, ع1
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: مصر
التاريخ الميلادي: 2023
الشهر: يناير
الصفحات: 1339 - 1355
ISSN: 2357-0709
رقم MD: 1444131
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: الصينية
قواعد المعلومات: HumanIndex
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المستخلص: The school of revolutionary realism occupies a privileged position in the history of Chinese literature in the twentieth century, as it expresses undeniable and unforgettable historical facts in the history of Chinese literature, and it has a long history in modern and contemporary Chinese literature. What he writes in various historical processes is not false history, but real history, and this trend has been reflected in the fictional works of Chinese literature in its various stages. It is a creative method of a prominent political nature, and it is also a distinctive literary intellectual direction. The concept of "revolutionary realism" arose from the "revolution" proposed by the CCP, and "revolution" here refers to the "revolution" led and participated in by the CCP. "Revolutions in the course of modern Chinese history", from the New Democratic Revolution to the Socialist Revolution, the Cultural Revolution, to the reform after the Cultural Revolution—meaning that, reform is also a kind of revolution, that is, "revolutionary realism" is the realism guided by the "revolutionary" policies of the Party Chinese Communist.” “Revolutionary realism” is a distinctive literary intellectual trend that actually reflects the historical process of the Chinese revolution in the twentieth century, and reflects the fierce class struggle in China, and the struggle inside and outside China. This particular intellectual trend has persisted for a long time.

革命现实主义不但在20世纪中国文学史上占有独尊的地位,而且是中国文学史上无法否认、不能被忘却的历史事实,在中国现代和当代文学具有长久的历史。它在不同的历史过程中写出来的不是伪史而是信史。它是一种具有杰出政治性质的创作方法,也是一种特色文学思潮。“革命现实主义”概念起源于中国共产党所提出的“革命”,这里的“革命”是指中国共产党所领导的、所从事的“革命”。“ 中国现代历史过程中的革命,从新民主主义革命到社会主义革命,直到无产阶级专政下的继续革命即文化大革命,再到文化大革命后的改革——在某种意义上改革也是一种革命。也就是说,“革命现实主义”是中国共产党的“革命”政治指导下的现实主义”1。“革命现实主义”这种特色文学思潮实际上反映20世纪中国革命的历史过程,反映着中国内的阶级斗争之激烈,中国里里外外的斗争。这种特殊的思潮持续时间之长,与革命的社会思潮联系之密切而产生。

ISSN: 2357-0709

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