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ثنائية الخطاب الإبداعى ( النقد - الشعر ) : بشرى البستانى انموذجا

المؤلف الرئيسي: الجبوري، نوفل حمد خضر (مؤلف)
مؤلفين آخرين: الحياني، فاتن عبدالجبار جواد (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2013
موقع: تكريت
الصفحات: 1 - 372
رقم MD: 614031
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة دكتوراه
الجامعة: جامعة تكريت
الكلية: كلية التربية
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
رابط المحتوى:

الناشر لهذه المادة لم يسمح بإتاحتها.

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المستخلص: It is clear that there is an infinite controversial relationship between poetry and criticism , It has been and still a motive to promote poetry , and also a reason for its development and change on the passage of ages. concerning content and frame .The old Arabic criticism hadn't been systematized , because it didn't depend on standards or fixed objective criteria . So , it had been impressive one depending on the private taste and didn't exceed one line or two . In addition , the poet was the master of this situation while the modern criticism is a science which has basics and rules. Criticism has been part of innovative process in modern system of criticism ,Critic has tried to compete the innovater in this innovation by using his talent , language , and style that attracts the attention of the recipient towards the text . The duality of criticism and poetry com be distinctive if the poet gathers in his criticism between his poetic language and his knowledge of critic methods , its styles , and ways. Objective methods supported by vivid imagination and poetic language makes the poet an artful critic . The philosophy of AL- Bustani represented by opening comprehensiveness and consideration of different know ledges That has refluxed on her critical ability and poetic talent . Her philosophy has set out from the fact of literature , intention , goals , what should technically and objectively be on , and its relation with modern trend . She believed at the necessity of literary modernism but in one condition that literature must not be far of its historical depth . AL-Bustani in her critical philosophy hasn't been far of the two issues of literature , they are : aesthetic philosophy and the relation of literature with the other literary arts.

She assured that the aesthetic value of literature represented by the acceptable gathering between the technical and objective trends as well as literature can not be separated from the other kinds of literature . AL-Bustani has had more than one means of the means of critical introduction , she is an academic critic so that she has been aware to introduce her criticism with in her critical writings . These writings are represented by academic and scientific magazines that publish such things of studies . Besides , a number of critical essays that she published electronically and pressly . In addition , to the books and critical writings that have interested with a number of literary works according to critical trends . Al – Bustani tended in her poetic language at the transition among self- feminism, social learning, and from patriotic to humanity so that her language has been described with sorrow from one time and with joy the other time. She has incorporated pessimism and optimism, and sometimes tends to irony, complaint, and nostalgia manipulating all her poetic abilities of metaphor, differentiation, transition, personification, condensation, reference, implication, as well as narrative drama. In the comparative study between her two texts: poetic and critical, it has appeared that she has been able to deal with modernity on the critical and poetic levels. The first level (criticism), she has been keen on to support her studies with the outcomes of modern critical methods, especially the methods of modernity and what follow. The second level (poetic), she has dealt with modern poem trends, and her critical position of modernity has reflected on her poetic work. Al- Bustani has dealt with feministic literature, she believes that “it is not allowed to separate the literature of woman from that of man ’’. She has also believes that there are special features for the literature of woman. The availability of those features achieve success and asserting the identity of this literature on the level of language and style. She is as a poet has not been far of her critical issues and that has been clear in her poems. Al- Bustani has asserted in her interests with the political and social trend but in conditions that literature must be present, defending and with the country in all moments and especially the difficult ones. This poetry in her opinion is the one which can perform self and objective balance and stability for the poet. On the social level, she sees that ‘the real criticism is the one who deals with man issues such woman which is half of the society. She believes that old language is no more able to serve the text; she asserts the features of the use of modern language, so that she has put upon language condensation, isolation, reference, and significance. This is what we find in her poetry and that achieved the balance between her critical opinion and poetic production.

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