المستخلص: |
المكتبة الجامعية مكون أساسي ومهم من مكونات الجامعة، وتساهم بجدارة في دعم أهدافها ووظائفها التعليمية والبحثية. تحتاج المكتبة الجامعية لتقوم بتحقيق وظائفها وأهدافها إلى دعم مستمر من الهيئات الوصية، يشمل هذا الدعم الموظفين المؤهلين، الميزانية المناسبة، الموقع الملائم والبناية والمجموعات الحديثة وفق معايير عالمية. ويسمح تقييم هذه الجوانب من المكتبة الجامعية الجزائرية بتحديد مكانتها ضمن السياسة الوطنية للتعليم العالي.
The university library is a Primordial component of the university, it takes an important part in achieving the university objectives and functions. The university library itself needs to realize its objectives and functions to have a permanent support from its tutors, including qualified employees, an appropriate funding, a suitable location and building and recent collections. The evaluation of these aspects of the university library will allow to define its place in the national policy of higher education. University library place, Higher education, Politics, Algeria to male students and the majority of research sample individuals (88.7%) access the internet from home. Also and the research found statistically significance differences between the samples of the male and female students with regard to the level of skills in using and searching for the digital information. The differences were in favor of male students. This may be attributed to the fact that male students have more chances of having access to internet, learning and acquiring more skills compared tot hefemale students.