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ضوابط المحاكمة البرلمانیة: دراسة في دراسة في دستور الولایات المتحدة الأمریكیة 1787

العنوان بلغة أخرى: Parliamentary Trial: Study in The United States Constitution
المصدر: مجلة المحقق الحلي للعلوم القانونية والسياسية
الناشر: جامعة بابل - كلية القانون
المؤلف الرئيسي: النائلي، حسين جبار عبد حمد (Author)
المجلد/العدد: مج7, ع4
محكمة: نعم
الدولة: العراق
التاريخ الميلادي: 2015
الصفحات: 335 - 356
DOI: 10.36528/1150-007-004-008
ISSN: 2075-7220
رقم MD: 829946
نوع المحتوى: بحوث ومقالات
اللغة: العربية
قواعد المعلومات: EcoLink, IslamicInfo
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المستخلص: تفخر الدول الحديثة بوصف نفسها بالدول القانونية، التي تعنى بسيادة حكم القانون وخضوع جميع الأفراد والأشخاص في الدولة سواء كانوا طبيعيين أو معنونين لإحكامه , وان القانون يسري على الجميع سواء كانوا حكاماُ أو محكومين بل أصبح إخضاع الحكام للقانون ووضع حدود على سلطانهم أمر تحتمه التطورات العصرية , فتطور إمكانيات الدولة في العصر الحديث أدى إلى درجة أصبح لازماً تقييد سلطانها وإخضاعها لقواعد تمنع الحكام من إساءة استعمال إمكانياتها الهائلة . وبما أن الدستور هو الدعامة الأساسية التي يقوم عليها بناء الدولة القانونية , والتي أصبحت قواعده تحتل المكانة العليا في سلم التدرج الهرمي للنظام القانوني للدولة , فهي التي تقيم السلطة في الدولة وتؤسس وجودها القانوني , وتحدد الفلسفة التي تقوم عليها الدولة.

Modern states proud as the same countries legal , which means the rule of law and the subordination of all individuals and persons in the state , whether they are natural its provisions, and that the law applies to everyone , whether they are rulers or the ruled , but became subject rulers of the law and setting limits on their power is imperatively demanded by the developments of modern , the evolution of the possibilities of the state in the modern era has led to a degree has become necessary to restrict the jurisdiction and subject to the rules prevent judges from abusing its tremendous potential . Since the Constitution is the mainstay of the underlying building legal state , which became the bases occupies position Supreme him hierarchy of the legal system of the state , they are staying power in the state and establish a legal existence , and determine the underlying philosophy of the state. to the nature of the conduct of the constitutional institutions in the system of government the U.S. , which is the cradle of the presidential system notes that there are many aspects of cooperation and mutual oversight between the legislative and executive branches , and these appearances and that was different from the traditional methods prescribed in the constitutions of parliamentary systems other , but it has a specific nature independent to be able to the achievement of cooperation between the two powers , which includes the application of the rules at the end of constitutional law. The Constitution of the United States is theoretically on the basis of a complete separation between the legislative and executive branches , but the practice has resulted in the presence of co-operation between the two authorities , and perhaps the most prominent manifestation of this cooperation is the authority of Congress to isolate the U.S. President or the Vice President or any other member of the executive and judicial powers of the office , having been indicted by a representative of the House of Representatives of committing a crime of treason , bribery, or other major felonies and misdemeanors , if these acts have been convicted he be tried in front of the Senate. In order for a clearer picture about the impeachment , this requires us to search in the public assets of the parliamentary trial in the United States Constitution , both in terms of the causes , nature and persons under their control , the statement must also be procedures to be followed in the trial parliamentary . Finally , we must give examples of parliamentary trial in the United States .

ISSN: 2075-7220