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Argument in the Debates of Immam Jaffer Ben Mohammed Al-Sadiq "A. S."

المؤلف الرئيسي: Faris, Qadih Qaser (Author)
مؤلفين آخرين: العقيلي، حيدر برزان سكران (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2016
موقع: الناصرية
التاريخ الهجري: 1437
الصفحات: 1 - 259
رقم MD: 1037376
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: العربية
الدرجة العلمية: رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة: جامعة ذي قار
الكلية: كلية الاداب
الدولة: العراق
قواعد المعلومات: Dissertations
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المستخلص: Argument is of instrumental important in literary studies, due to its wide concept, being rooted in discourse, and its interdisciplinary. These have led to study argument of the debates of Imman Jaffir Ben Mohammed Al-Sadiq ""A.S"", for these concepts"" argument and debate"" are interconnected in method and deduction path, and the target aim for persuasion and proofing right, besides the richness of the Immam debates in scientific issues. The research aims to study the argument , in respect with its: mechanism, types, signs, and functions. The research is of four chapters, with introduction to demonstrate the history of argument concept in west and Arab cultures. The first chapter, Language Mechanism, is of three sections :language mechanism, rhetoric mechanism, and logic mechanism. The second chapter, Argument Types, is of four sections: discussion type, narrative type, evidence type, and behavior type. Third chapter, argument relations, is of five sections :sequence, reason, inference, requirement, contradiction. The fourth chapter, argument functions, is of seven sections: deconstructive function, infiltration function, discourse and transcendence function, perception function, expressional function, Legislative function, logical function. The research ends with results, as follow; - argument is discursive process, resultant from disagreement, its principal aim is impact and persuasion argument is of deep roots in Western and Arab cultures, despite the fact that the west precedes the Arab in the domain. - to achieve the argument, there must be argumentative style and strategy to sponsor the its movement to final aim. - Immam Al-Sadiq ""A.S"" uses, in his debates, the inference argument, with many argumentative functions; rhetoric, logical. He manifests that in many types: discussion, narrative, and reason, plus the behavior. He bases his argument on argumentative signs to achieve the target aim.

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