المستخلص: |
هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى \\ 1-\\\ معرفة مستوى الإحباط عند طلاب السنة الأولى بالكلية الجامعية بالجموم بجامعة أم القرى (التخصصات العلمية وكذلك الأدبية). \\ 2-\\\ وكذلك معرفة مستوى دافعية الإنجاز لدى أفراد عينة الدراسة. \\ 3-\\\ معرفة العلاقة بين الإحباط ومستوى دافع الإنجاز لدى أفراد العينة. \\ 4-\\\ معرفة علاقة كلا من مستوى الإحباط ومستوى دافعية الإنجاز بتحصيل الدراسي لدى أفراد عينة الدراسة. وذلك خلال الفصل الدراسي الثاني لعام 1432هـ- 1433هـ. \\ للتحقق من هذا الهدف استخدم الباحث الأدوات التالية: \\ 1-\\\ مقياس هيرمانز لقياس دافع الإنجاز. \\ 2-\\\ قام الباحث بإعداد مقياس الإحباط من عدم التوظيف لطلاب الجامعة. \\ هذا وقد جاءت أسئلة البحث الحالي على النحو التالي: \\ 1-\\\ هل توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين تخصص الطلاب (علمية – أدبية) ومستوى الإحباط؟ \\ 2-\\\ هل توجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين تخصص الطلاب (علمية- أدبية) ومستوى دافعية الإنجاز؟ \\ 3-\\\ هل توجد علاقة إرتباطية بين مستوى الإحباط والتحصيل الأكاديمي لدى أفراد عينة الدراسة؟ \\ 4-\\\ هل توجد علاقة إرتباطية بين مستوى دافعية الإنجاز والتحصيل الأكاديمي لدى أفراد عينة الدراسة؟ \\ 5-\\\ هل توجد علاقة إرتباطية بين مستوى الإحباط لدى أفراد عينة الدراسة ومستوى دافعية الإنجاز لنفس أفراد العينة؟
The present study aimed to: 1 -to know the level of frustration for students in the first-year at the University College in AL Jamoom at Umm al-Qura University (scientific disciplines as well as literary) 2 - To determine the level of the achievement motivation for the study sample. 3 -To determine the relationship between the frustration and the level of the motivation achievement for all sample. 4 - To determine the relationship between the frustration, the achievement motivation and the academic achievement level for all sample. This study conducted during the second semester of 1432-1433 e. Tools of the study: 1 - Hermans scale for measuring achievement motivation. 2 -The researcher preparing the frustration scale for students in the university. \\ The research questions: \\ 1-\\\ Are there significant differences between students’ specialty (scientific - literary) and the level of frustration? \\ 2-\\\ Are there significant differences between students’ specialty (scientific - literary) and the level of achievement motivation? \\ 3-\\\ Is there a correlation between the level of frustration and academic achievement in the study sample? \\ 4-\\\ Is there a correlation between the level of the achievement motivation and the academic achievement in the study sample? \\ 5-\\\ Is there a correlation between the level of the frustration and the level of achievement motivation for the current sample? \\ Method: \\ The researcher used the descriptive method, which is the suitable method to fit. the research problem for this study. The study sample for this research consist of 110 students from the first year the University of distributors as follows 55 students from scientific discipline and 55 student from literary discipline. \\ Tools used in the research: 1 - scale Hermans translated by Moses in (1987) to measure the level of motivation achievement 2 - frustration scale prepared by the researcher. \\ \\ Results: \\ 1-\\\ There are significant differences between students’ specialty (scientific - literary) and the level of frustration for students literary \\ 2-\\\ There are significant differences between students’ specialty (scientific - literary) and the level of achievement motivation for students scientific disciplines. \\ 3-\\\ There is a statistically significant correlation between the level of the frustration and the academic achievement for the current study sample. \\ 4-\\\ There is statistically significant correlation between the level of the achievement motivation and academic achievement for the current study. \\ 5-\\\ There is a negative correlation with statistical significance between the level of the frustration and the level of achievement motivation for the current study. \\ Recommendations: \\ 1-\\\ set up seminars and lectures to demonstrate the disadvantage of the frustration for all individuals and to what extent impact to motivation achievement for students. \\ 2-\\\ Conduct counseling programs by the staff college in collaboration with faculty members in order to improve and encourage achievement motivation for students.