المستخلص: |
This study aimed at investigating the effect of using a \\\\ WebQuest Model (WM) on developing critical reading \\\\ achievement among Languages and Translation Department \\\\ students. The participants were fourth level English Diploma \\\\ students at Languages and Translation Department at Arar \\\\ College of Education and Arts in Saudi Arabia. Twenty-five \\\\ fourth level English Diploma students participated as an \\\\ experimental group. This group was pre-tested by using the \\\\ Critical Reading Achievement Test (CRT) to assess their critical \\\\ reading achievement before conducting the experiment. The \\\\ experimental group was trained on using the WM to develop \\\\ their critical reading achievement. The experimental group was \\\\ post-tested by using the CRT. Then, they were tested by using the \\\\ delayed CRT after one month of the post-CRT. The results \\\\ revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the \\\\ mean scores of the experimental group between the pre- and \\\\ post- CRT in favor of the post- CRT. The results also revealed \\\\ that there were no statistically significant differences in the mean \\\\ scores of the experimental group between the post- and the \\\\ delayed CRT. The results indicated the usefulness of using the \\\\ WM in developing English Diploma students' critical reading \\\\ achievement.